Victory In Europe

It’s the 70th anniversary.

There was a simpler time, when we recognized enemies waging war on us, declared war on them, and soundly defeated them.


Here’s a round up at the WaPo of today’s war bird flyover of the Mall. When I was a kid, there used to be an AT-6 Texan parked at Bishop Airport, in Flint. It wasn’t that old at the time. I’d note that one of the planes had to make an emergency landing at DCA, disrupting air traffic there. It looked like a P-40.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Remembering Okinawa.

There was a reason we dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and it wasn’t because we were racists. That saved hundreds of thousand of lives, both of American troops and civilians in China.

[Update a couple minutes later]

“’All told, Okinawa killed 12,500 Americans and wounded approximately 50,000. It was the U.S. Navy’s biggest killer, with 4,907 sailor deaths and 4,874 wounded. Japan lost an estimated 75,000 military dead. As for civilians? Estimates run from 50,000 to 110,000.’ Today, America is afraid of offending a few savages with cartoons.”

6 thoughts on “Victory In Europe”

  1. Back when enemies at home were shamed by the press instead of encouraged. Today the squeaky wheel should be shot for treason.

  2. “There was a simpler time…”

    You know, I really don’t see it. Perhaps it is because I have a number of friends in my grandparents’ age cohort.

    People weren’t stupid or naive 70 years ago.

    1. They were gearing up for stupidity though…look at the way the North Korean POW’s were prevented to defect south. Read This Kind of War and you will be enlightened.

    2. I’m having trouble reconciling what Rand wrote with what you wrote.

      “Simpler times” can mean times when people weren’t terminally confused by spurious “nuance.” It’s worth remembering that the origin of the word “sophistication” is identical to that of “sophistry.”

      There is nothing stupid or naive about the simplicity to which Rand refers.

      1. It’s worth remembering that the origin of the word “sophistication” is identical to that of “sophistry.”

        Worth repeating and meditation.

  3. The atomic bombs also saved perhaps millions of Japanese civilian lives. Even children were being trained to resist by any means necessary.

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