Fainting-Couch Feminists

A new video from Christina Hoff Sommers on how they threaten freedom:

I recently encountered fainting couchers at Oberlin College and Georgetown University. I visited both campuses to give talks on the need to reform feminism and correct exaggerated victim statistics. In the past, activist students who disagreed with me came to my lectures to spar and debate. Today, they issue trigger warnings and accuse me of giving them PTSD. At both Oberlin and Georgetown, activists organized safe spaces were where students could flee if they were panicked by my arguments. While I spoke at Oberlin, 35 students and a therapy dog sought refuge in a safe room. (I feel badly that I triggered a dog.)

Clearly, she is history’s greatest monster.

3 thoughts on “Fainting-Couch Feminists”

  1. Honestly, all of this fear of being offended is baffling. I mean, okay, let’s say you can’t handle the stress of offensiveness, but why would you want to spread that neurosis to others?

    We’re growing increasingly weak and incompetent as a society, and this is a good thing?

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