14 thoughts on “Wisconsin’s Shame”

  1. Govt. would never do such a thing… they exist for our protection… and to create ‘rights’ for which we all must pay.

  2. Its OK because as Jim noted the last time this came up, cops always show up in the middle of the night with guns drawn and pointed and children in order to ask for paperwork. There is literally no other way to ask the victims to comply with a records request without SWATing their homes in the dead of night.

    Meanwhile, congress asks Hillary to produce emails that she should have turned over long ago only to find some missing and others altered. No SWAT team needed but somehow it is the greatest injustice since the GOP started the African slave trade because they hate Mexicans.

    And the IRS? You gotta be full a on Stalin if you want to find out why the IRS was persecuting dissidents.

  3. Revoke qualified immunity for all parties in situations like this. Cops included.

    When it becomes cripplingly painful for bureaucrats to do this, it will stop.

    1. If there is wrongdoing, then justice must be served.

      However, a tu quoque argument merely deflects the topic and is used to excuse the misgivings of the original offending party.

    2. This may surprise you but if the story is true, he should be prosecuted. Also, the Obama adminitration has been running a politically motivated investigation against that sheriff too, so…

  4. You have to remember, Jon, without the Tu Quoque–along with the Straw Man, the Ad Hominem, and the Argument from Pity–“liberals” (by which I mean of course “tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellators”) would be mute. (Like that’s a bad thing.)

  5. It’s curious that these articles focus their ire on the DA (for pursuing a politically-motivated fishing expedition) and the police (for being unnecessarily messy, serving search warrants too early in the morning, drawing their guns without cause, bringing a battering ram to a search, etc.). But what about the judges? These search warrants were issued by a judge, or multiple judges, who were persuaded that there was probable cause. The judges are the ones unleashing the armed power of the state against innocent-until-proven-guilty citizens. But they aren’t even named in the linked piece, which only states that judges “all too often simply rubber-stamp prosecutors’ demands.” If that’s what’s happening — judges signing any search warrant that a prosecutor asks for — then the judges are grossly incompetent. Why let them off the hook so easily?

    1. I don’t know. I’m not writing the articles. I’d wouldn’t necessarily be unhappy to see them sanctioned/jailed, because I suspect they were Dem appointees, and knew what was going on.

      But from the judge’s standpoint, they have to rely on what the DA tells them; they have no other access to information. It comes back to a corrupt DA. Stop asking judges for abusive warrants, and they’ll stop issuing them.

    2. I support the idea of zero immunity for misconduct by government officials to include prosecutors and judges. I’d love to see some of them prosecuted, and if found guilty, in jail.

      More often than not, I’m convinced that many judges are little more than failed lawyers with sufficient political connections to get appointed or elected to the bench.

    3. You can read other articles that talk about the Democrat judge that signed off on Democrats acting out their USSR fantasies. The judge was part of the scandal. You can’t expect every article to be an encyclopedia on this scandal because it would be as long as an encyclopedia.

      WI has a corrupt judge who worked with corrupt DS’s office who was working for a corrupt Democrat party. This is Greek tragedy level of hypocrisy here, where Democrats were coordinating with each other to imprison their political opponents on the charge of coordination.

      I wasn’t poly-sci but can you remember a campaign that had less coordination between all the various Democrat factions than what took place in WI? This was the pinnacle of Democrat militant activism with government workers, activist groups, unions, academics, and Democrats from across the USA coordinating their campaign to recall Walker. No SWAT raids on Democrats though.

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