9 thoughts on “Intruder Alert”

  1. With current detecting technology, anything deployed to deal with an asteroid would have to be ready to go at a moment’s notice.

  2. I would like to note that I have a fantastic idea for asteroid detection. It may detect asteroids using simple, off the shelf tools. I have never built a prototype, however. Filing a patent is too expensive for me.

  3. This data will probably give us a much better statistical picture of the shooting gallery we fly through every day.

  4. Great. So if the worst were to happen we (or at least parts of the Government) will know about it…and we won’t be able to do anything.

    I think I saw that movie…

  5. NASA is doing a credible job cataloging asteroids. All of the possible Earth killer asteroids have been found. There definitely won’t be a cretaceous level event in the next few hundred years.

    New instruments will help detect more of the smaller bodies. These are potentially dangerous, but only to a relatively small area of impact (these would be city killers). Multiply that by the long odds (roughly one per century) across all the land and sea area of the Earth, and it very, very unlikely to harm to humans.

    It is worth it to keep looking, it would be possible to mitigate a collision of a city killer if we knew it was coming.

    Good information available in podcast for here: http://www.bigpicturescience.org/episodes/asteroids

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