7 thoughts on “The IRS’s Targeting of Conservatives”

  1. Our education system is treason. We didn’t keep Franklin’s republic and we may not be able to get it back. The problem is a whole lot bigger than the office of president.

  2. “You’ll be as shocked as I am to discover that Barack Obama lied about it. ”

    “Dear Leader never lies! The liars here are the forces of Emmanuel Goldstein impugning Dear Leader’s reputation! Anyway, there is no truth but socialist truth!”–Baghdad Jim

  3. If you follow the link you find exactly zero evidence that Obama lied about IRS targeting of conservatives.

          1. We know now he was right. There was a shipload.

            You and the author of the linked-to piece seem to think that “Obama lied” is a shorter version of “Obama said something I believe to be false.” It isn’t.

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