It’s Obviously Sexism

“No man who violated classification rules, used an illegal server to cover up influence-peddling, and then tried to destroy the evidence would be treated this way.”


Though seriously, this is one of the reasons he could be impeached and removed, and she could not:

…here is the worst thing about her, and what makes her worse than Trump. Even if the Republicans, in the wake of their disastrous candidate, somehow manage to retain control of both houses of Congress, they will be just as powerless against her as they have been against Barack Obama. Because there is nothing a Democrat, and particularly a Clinton, can do that Democrats will ever accept as beyond the pale. And if she were to be impeached, it will simply be evidence this time that the Republicans are sexist, in addition to being racist.

They’re both terrible, but he is a correctable mistake; she is not. As Glenn says, vote for the one least likely to get away with things.

18 thoughts on “It’s Obviously Sexism”

    1. An e-mail went out calling for people in the Department to show off their Halloween costume around the main office.

      Last year’s costume (I never wore it, my Halloween costume selection is always a “concept”) was a body suit in the shape of a toilet tank, where the flush handle is labeled “E-mail Delete Key.”

      This year’s costume has been selected, but it is NSFW let alone too overtly politically partisan, so I can’t discuss it at work.

    2. “DickiLeaks”

      You might want to see a doctor about that. And hope it isn’t one of the antibiotic resistant strains.

      (The jokes just write themselves, don’t they? Elect Rodham and we’ll get “four more years” of ’em.)

  1. Very entertaining election and it isn’t over yet.

    Hillary is the most corrupt politician in our nation’s history. She had wetworks teams organize violent mobs to attack civilians. Primaries, debates, and FBI investigations were rigged.

    No matter who wins, Obama is going to have to pardon Hillary. If he doesn’t, Hillary will be in the position of having to pardon herself or count on Trump pardoning her. Its going to be a sh**show.

    1. Perhaps she thought Benghazi was a spontaneous protest with RPG’s and mortars because that’s what she we send to a protest if given the chance.

  2. Obviously it’s not sexism. It’s simple crime lubricated with tax dollars and media inbreeding.

  3. I think that Director Comey’s reveal last Friday was just plain outrageous! I think people should take to the streets to protest to this and demand that the Director would resign! This is a dirty Republican October-Surprise trick!

    Jim, are you with me on this? Please comment and weigh in on this matter. We need to join forces and keep this outrage front-and-center in the Media until Election Day! This shall not stand!

    C’mon, we need to focus public attention on this, to the exclusion of all other concerns for seven . . . more . . . days . . . please?

  4. That’s ridiculous. Fraud, stealing money from veterans, bribing two state attorneys general to drop cases against him, threatening to incite a riot at the convention, groping his own daughter on national tv during your convention, multiple sexual assaults including (quite likely) the rape of a 13-year-old girl, and you still love Donald Trump.

    What could he possibly do that would cause you guys to support impeachment instead of crowing that “he isn’t politic” and “has a pair”?

    1. Edward, from what planet are you posting this that you fantasize that I “love Donald Trump”? I find him detestable and contemptible. I want him elected, then impeached and removed ASAP.

      1. One small problem with your delusion Rand. Trump may be every rotten thing you think, but you’d need another very much like him to have any hope to reverse America’s trend. He stood in a field of 16 that would have done nothing to reverse the trend had they been elected. Not one of them.

        The people you consider stupid realized that. Many of those haven’t voted for good reason. There was no point.

        You can’t see a single thing right about Trump, just like many of the GOP elite which is exactly what allows the dems and media to destroy this country.

        You Rand, are the adult and you Rand are the reason the children are out of control. You can’t reason children into being good. They need to be punished until they either become adults or not. We used to have dems that were adults. Not any more.

        Trump has the courage to fight the PC police that simply assume they are right and destroy any that disagree with them. Trump will punish them and be constrained to do it legally. You would throw that away because he’s icky.

        Trump is Grond.

      2. I find him detestable and contemptible. I want him elected, then impeached and removed ASAP.

        And you expect us to believe that? That the same people who worked day and night to elect him will suddenly turn against him, once he has been elected? And impeach him?

        On what grounds? The same charges which the GOP dismissed, denied, and covered up throughout the campaign cycle? You expect Republican Congressmen to admit that they lied, rigged the convention, obstructed justice and enabled treason in order to win the election? But now they want to overturn the election because they’re sorry?

        You aren’t naive enough to believe that. No politician is going to throw away his political future like that.

        If Republicans wanted to remove Trump, they could have done it easily at the convention. But they didn’t want to. With the exception of Mike Lee, Ben Sasse, and one or two others, no one had the courage and moral fortitude to oppose him. Even Ted Cruz sold out.

        1. I see that you’ve been forced to change the subject from the insane notion that “I love Trump.” I will engage with you when you admit how nonsensical that was. Until then, I will ignore your ongoing insanity.

        2. Rand’s point, made repeatedly, is that a large number of people dislike Trump and would challenge every decision he makes. People like you.

    2. He isn’t going to start Red Storm Rising over projecting his issues with his own spouse, along with issues with the spouse of his closest aid, onto the Russian leader.

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