12 thoughts on “Tulsi”

  1. I’ve written legal complaints before, and read many. I’ve never seen one so loaded with emotional terms. Not that it’s wrong, just that it is, in my experience, quite unusual. Those who have commented on Ms. Gabbard’s longevity are spot-on.

    My sympathies are somewhat muted, however, in that Ms Gabbard’s stated support of Bernie Sanders seems completely at odds with her claims of Mom-apple-pie Americanism. Russia today is just a third-world banana republic. Sanders’ political bent is more that of the Soviet Union, and unless Ms Gabbard is really, really stupid, it would seem that she consciously supports a Stalin-esque regime. It still doesn’t make her a “Russian asset,” but it does make her a threat to the American republic. The difference is, she can be defeated by the American voters, who should be focused on her actual ideas.

    Too bad. I still think she’s pretty hot, but I take back my previous statement that if she had blue eyes, I’d vote for her. But I will still admit that if we were both single, and she had blue eyes, I’d ask her out…

    1. It’s okay for conservatives to date really hot Buddhist or Hindu socialists, just like on the TV show Dharma and Greg. So what if she decorates the house with whale posters, grows medicinal herbs, and goes to yoga classes, as long as she’s easy going and cooks fabulous curries. Guys are used to that kind of thing. Before it was yoga, recycling campaigns, and climate rallies, it was church functions, quilting bees, and suffragette marches. We just roll with it.

    2. I’ve written legal complaints before, and read many. I’ve never seen one so loaded with emotional terms.

      Sounds like the intent is to win on public opinion rather than in court.

    3. I’ve written legal complaints before, and read many. I’ve never seen one so loaded with emotional terms.

      How about referring to yourself by first name? Is that normal?

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