6 thoughts on “Rights”

  1. I have read a couple of Kurt’s books and enjoyed them. However, he tends to speak in a language that, while it can certainly be counted on to inflame the faithful, does little to convince others towards his point of view.

    Not exactly unusual on either side of the political divide.

    1. “However, he tends to speak in a language that, while…”

      In his books or columns? I haven’t read his books but if someone disliked the setting, that could be persuasion. The columns aren’t meant to be persuasion.

      Persuasion is a tricky thing, it is a lot harder to do and the number of people open to persuasion is small. Obama used a metric something like this, and it is common to marketing too, but you segment the population into say five groups. On the far right could be the group that agrees with you and everything to the left is a shade of disagreement. The group closest to you is the only one where some fraction of the group is persuadable.

      In marketing, you focus only on the closest group but in politics, you have a strategy for each group to move them slightly to the direction you want them to go. Most of the Democrats are so far to the extreme, they can’t be persuaded to join you and likely can’t be persuade to move more than a tiny bit. This is because persuasion butts up against control and Democrats engage in a variety of tactics to maintain control over people.

      Persuasion has to focus on the “undecideds” but they are by their nature uniformed and disengaged. They don’t read the news, they don’t watch the news, or if they do, it is the deceitful network news. They aren’t critical. They don’t think of much outside of their lives. They don’t seek out information. Information comes to them passively. This makes Netflix, Hallmark, and Nickelodeon such great propaganda.

      You are wrong to say that neither side does persuasion well. Democrats are awesome at it. Being a default Democrat is a thing. People will identify as Democrat without having engaged in any thought or reflection. Republicans are terrible at it and a big reason why is because they don’t control any of the media that people passively consume and if they did, don’t consciously structure media to promote their ideals.

      Books could be a great tool for Kurt to use persuasion. A column at Townhall isn’t going to reach the right audience, unless someone reads his books and then seeks out his other writing. In which case, maybe he should try and be persuasive if he can learn a bit more about those types of readers. Hmm, something to think about. You are onto something there.

  2. Yes this national socialist really cares about rights. And the rule of goats apply.

    Also Red states have been requiring vaccination for a long time.

    Maybe if Kurt really so upset about the vaccine being ineffective. He should be expressing his anger at the decision maker that paid billions of dollars and rush at “warp speed” a supposedly “ineffective vaccine”. Oh right that probably doesn’t pay as well and affords him his Huntington beach lifestyle.

    1. Trust is a terrible thing to waste, and the medical profession – at least the spokesmen – have effectively squandered that and become overtly political. Excusing the George Floyd riots instead of condemning them as superspreader events blew all credibility. Couple that with the undermining by the FBI and FISA, and people are correct to question the value of these warp speed vaccines.

      1. I think it has more to do with the contradictory statements from the President, his administration, and the DNC media that vaccines do and don’t work. They are incapable of honestly talking about the vaccines, or anything else.

  3. I love it that Kurt is so emphatic about the nature of rights. That is the concept we need to pound into the heads of the zombie “woke”, those who go around mindlessly parroting any progressive meme they hear. It may get them to actually think, instead of just march in lock step with their comrades.

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