Big Bangers

Steve Hayward wonders if there could be a sitcom about think tankers.

Actually, it would be amusing to see the interactions between denizens of, say, AEI and Brookings. And imagine the snark from Cato, CEI and Reason. I’d cast Katherine Mangu-Ward as herself. But Kate Micucci might be able to do the job, too. And then there’s Jonah.

Someone needs to work up a treatment, stat.

“Stop Thinking We’re Violent!”

“…or I’ll kill you or blow off your legs!”

[Update a couple minutes later]

Mark Steyn on anger management:

And now the media are full of stories about how the Tsarnaevs were all-American kids and “beautiful, beautiful boys” and maybe it was the boxing or the Ben Affleck movies or the classical music but, whatever it was, it was nothing to do with Islam. Nothing whatever.

So I guess it worked.

It always works with the fools in the media.

[Update a couple more minutes later]

“Soon we’ll be told American society is responsible for the Tsarnaevs because of our consumerist addiction to pressure cookers.”

Also, I fearlessly predict calls for, and introduction of legislation to ban the purchase and possession of recreational fireworks by the general public.

[Update a few minutes later]

Aaaaaannnndd…Jerry Rivers is first out of the gate.


Fewer than half of Americans are unhappy about the Senate vote on background checks. But expect the Democrats (and Obama) to continue to lie about it.

And as I wrote recently somewhere, know what no one in Boston was saying or thinking on Friday? “I sure wish I had a smaller magazine.”

In fact, about 70% of American voters wanted a gun.

[Update early afternoon]

More thoughts:

Play with numbers all you like, but the fact remains: After an actual bill was written, after there was an actual vote on that bill, after a concerted and well covered gun control campaign that lasted for months, and after Obama’s nationally televised Rose Garden Grand Remonstrance, only 47 percent of people were annoyed that nothing had been done.

This, suffice it to say, is not good for the Left. Bottom line: Even after a national horror, they can’t get 50 percent for a minor gun control bill. Republicans must be praying daily that Harry Reid follows through on his threat to reintroduce something into the Senate or, even better, that Michael Bloomberg decides to go into the likes of Montana and South Dakota and kick up a fuss in 2014. That will not end well.

Well, it could end well for the good guys.

A Disappointment For “Liberals”

West Wing (the teevee show, not the section of the White House) isn’t real:

The American President and The West Wing are not searing portrayals of effective political management. They’re drama. The first question a dramatist asks is not “Is this how it really works?” but “Is it entertaining?” And the second is “Can the audience understand this in less than thirty seconds?” Veracity is way, way down the list. If you want a clue to how realistic it all is, consider that Aaron Sorkin awarded Jed Bartlett the Nobel Prize in Economics. Then go interview some Nobel Prizewinning Economists and ask yourself whether a single one of them would have the desire, or the ability, to run for president.

Jed Bartlett doesn’t win policy debates because of his amazing tactical skills, his overpowering arguments, or the sheer persuasiveness of his granite-faced brand of urbane folksomeness. He wins them because Aaron Sorkin is a liberal and he wants Republicans to lose on the major issues. Unfortunately for liberals, Tom Coburn and John Boehner don’t have their lines faxed over from Hollywood every morning.

Their problem is, as Obama once said of himself, that they believe their own bull****.

Biting The Hand

As Mark Twain wrote, the principal difference between a dog and a man is that the former won’t bite the hand that feeds it. Once again, we see a connection between welfare and terrorism. As in the UK, we fund their lifestyles so that they have the leisure and resources to plot to murder and maim us.

[Update a few minutes later]

Did Boston have it coming? The UN (of course!) says yes. Remember: blame America first.

And of course, fisking lying anti-Semitic leftist Richard Falk is like shooting a whale in a barrel. I heard him speak in Ann Arbor in the late seventies, when I was a student. He doesn’t seem to have learned much in the interim.

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