Category Archives: Political Commentary

The Corruption Of Climate Science

“…it occurred because some of our most important institutions have let us down. The scientific peer review process has failed to catch obvious methodological errors in research papers. Leading scientific assessments have ignored conflicts of interest and adopted flawed methods. The major media has been selectively incurious as to the impact of big money in climate advocacy on climate science, assessments, and policy.”


It was even worse than we knew.

And yes, the “suicide” does look very suspicious. After reading this, there is little I’d put past these “leaders.”

[Evening update]

On the other hand, how can a lot of these stories about wheels falling off, or engine parts falling off, or engines catching fire, be attributed to Boeing? They don’t build the engines. These kinds of things have to be attributed to the operator. Which says that the whole industry is fucked, probably because DEI.