Category Archives: War Commentary

End It, Don’t Win It

Donald Sensing, on the absurd mental gymnastics that Democrats must perform to want to end a war that doesn’t exist. As he says, one side can start a war, but it takes both to end it. And Al Qaeda, either in Afghanistan or Iraq, isn’t ready to quit. Particularly when, based on the actions of the Dems, they think they’re winning.

End It, Don’t Win It

Donald Sensing, on the absurd mental gymnastics that Democrats must perform to want to end a war that doesn’t exist. As he says, one side can start a war, but it takes both to end it. And Al Qaeda, either in Afghanistan or Iraq, isn’t ready to quit. Particularly when, based on the actions of the Dems, they think they’re winning.

A Depressing Assessment

…of Israel’s war last summer against Hezbollah:

When war erupted in summer 2006, Israel enjoyed overwhelming military superiority and favorable political conditions. However, its strategic follies and operational deficiencies resulted in a faltering, indecisive war. The Israeli military could have administered a serious blow to Hezbollah from the air during the first few days of the war or, alternatively, destroyed most of Hezbollah’s military presence in southern Lebanon with a large land invasion. Unfortunately, Israel’s political and military leadership had no clear concept of what victory over Hezbollah entailed.

Israel squandered an important opportunity to settle regional scores. It left unchecked Iran’s apparent efforts to expand Shi