Category Archives: Media Criticism

Political Advice

…from Captain Kirk:

Don’t compare President Barack Obama to Captain James T. Kirk.

That’s what William Shatner told CNN’s Ali Velshi when asked to respond to suggestions that Obama should act less like “Spock” and more like “Captain Kirk”.

Shatner said the comparisons are “unfair” because “Mr. Obama has the onerous burden of obeying the constitution [and] Captain Kirk was captain of everybody’s fate. He was a dictator”.

Funny, I hadn’t noticed that he was all that concerned about that pesky document, myself.

From “Arab Spring” to Arab Fall

Egypt descends into chaos:

Egypt literally will run out of food. It imports half its caloric consumption, mainly wheat (although Egyptians eat less wheat than Iranians, Moroccans, Canadians, Turks and Russians). Egypt spends $5.5 billion a year on food subsidies. Its social solidarity minister wants to change the system (which subsidizes some people who can afford to pay more than the penny a loaf the government charges), but seems deeply confused. “‘We need to change consumer habits so that we are not consuming so much bread. In Mexico, for example, they rely more on potatoes. Why can’t we start shifting toward that?’said Saad Nassar, adviser to the agriculture minister.” Mr. Nassar seems unaware that Mexicans eat more corn than wheat or potatoes. This discussion would be comical if not for the fact that Egypt is about to run out of money to pay for any sort of food.

It’s going to get a lot uglier. Especially for the Copts. And perhaps Israel.

Michael Jackson’s Death

No, I can safely say, with conscience clear, that I had absolutely nothing to do with it. I never asked him to make a concert tour, I never bought any of his music, I never encouraged him to do anything he ever did in any way whatsoever. My hands are completely clean. I just wish we could stop hearing about him.

[Update a while later]

You know the bit about how he claimed that he never had a childhood? It appeared to me that he had a childhood that lasted for five decades.

What If The Tea Party

…had been pooping on police cars, stealing soap from local businesses and flooding their bathrooms, shutting down the Air and Space Museum on a Saturday while attacking its guards, preventing anyone from moving in downtown New York for days? Especially if they were as white as these leftist clowns are? Can you imagine the hyperventilating by the media over the violence and racism? And hey guys, if you really want to show you’re opposed to Wall Street, why not go over to Lafayette Park and demonstrate against President Goldman Sachs?