Category Archives: Economics

Groundhog Day

Guy Benson reports on the president’s latest press conference, so you don’t have to have had to suffer through it:

In summary: Pass this bill. It’s paid for. Republicans have no ideas. Mitch McConnell controls Congress. Independent economists love it. Millionaires and billionaires. Fair share. Not my fault. Japanese Tsunamis. I didn’t know. Bush. Pah-kee-stahn. Pass this bill.

What is it he wants us to do with the bill again?

In Praise Of Entrepreneurs

Over at Pajamas Media, I have some thoughts this morning on Steve Jobs and people who really change the world.

[Update a few minutes later]

The business of Apple was business, not politics.

[Update a while later]

Did Jobs die from quackery?

[Update a few minutes later]

Here’s the WSJ obit.

[Update a while later]

More thoughts from Lileks.

[Update a while later[

Michael Malone remembers Steve Jobs.

[Update a couple minutes later]

How his philosophy changed technology.

[Late morning update]

The Onion says we’re doomed.

[Update in the afternoon]

Rob Long: The right kind of tyrant.

A Letter To The Marching Morons

From David Freddoso:

Those people you left stuck in traffic have a hard time paying their bills and rents and health insurance and mortgages. They worry about things like finding decent schools for their children to attend and making sure they don’t get fired at work, and fixing leaking roofs and chimneys.

You know what they don’t worry about, ever? Smashing patriarchy and capitalism.

So when your organizers go on television and say things like, “It’s revolution, not reform!” and they’re not joking, those words might give some of these narrow-minded people an unpleasant, October 1917 kind of feeling.

Read all.

[Late-morning update]

The pathology of capitalism, new and improved with trutherism.

Who Is More Anti-Science?

Republicans, or Democrats?

My biggest problem with Democrats is that they’re anti-economics, with devastating results over the past decades.

[Update a few minutes later]

Skeptical about skepticism.

[Update a while later]

Speaking of Republicans being anti-science, I don’t agree with Herman Cain that being gay is “a choice.” Being straight was never a “choice” for me.