Category Archives: Media Criticism

It’s Dead, Jim

I was thinking about responding to Paul Spudis’s bizarre attempt to resurrect the Shuttle, but Clark Lindsey has spared me the trouble. In fact I had this exact thought when I read Paul’s post title:

…neutral would be a big improvement over reverse, which is where NASA has been going for the past decade. Constellation burned up many billions of dollars on a plan to build retro-tech vehicles that would have been just as expensive, if not more so, to operate than the Shuttle. The administration’s plan, of course, is not in neutral but is moving forward on development of cost-effective commercial launch systems, though this could be undermined by Congress’s insistence on parallel development of a super-expensive, super heavy lift vehicle based on Shuttle hardware.

And the double standard remains amazing:

Dr. Spudis asks,

How long will our rapidly growing government (with its rapidly shrinking discretionary budget) patiently support “commercial” New Space efforts?

This question is bizarre. The alternative to the modestly funded commercial launch services program is another gigantically expensive in-house NASA project that has no more chance of succeeding than all of the previous gigantically expensive NASA space transport projects. There is, in fact, no alternative to commercial launchers. If they don’t succeed at providing reliable transport at significantly lower costs than the Shuttle, NASA’s human spaceflight program will simply fade away. Fortunately, there is a very strong likelihood that they will succeed.

As Clark notes, it’s ironic that Paul continues to champion transportation approaches with the least probability of achieving his goal of a practical lunar base.

Michele Bachmann Versus Chris Wallace

Ignoring the “flake” question, for which Wallace later appropriately apologized, I thought that Bachmann did just fine on the discussion of gay marriage, states rights and the Constitution. Wallace seemed to think that she was being inconsistent, but I didn’t see that at all. Andrew McCarthy agrees.

Note that you don’t have to agree with Bachmann as to whether or not gay marriage is good or bad to agree that her position is the correct (and a consistent) one from the standpoint of process and law (just as one doesn’t have to oppose abortion to think Roe v. Wade a constitutional abomination).

The Left Continues To Lie And Embarrass Itself

in Wisconsin. Of course, that’s not the only place, but it seems to be most prominent in Wisconsin right now. It’s sort of the front lines of this civil cold war in which the nation is engaged.

I think the Weiner analogy is apt. If she were telling the truth, she’d demand an investigation.

[Update in the afternoon]

One way or another, Wisconsin is going to lose at least one Supreme Court Judge. And the replacement(s) will be made by Scott Walker.

The President Has His Self Confidence Back

I am so relieved:

Finally, President Obama – author of two memoirs by the age of 45, speaker of the famous argument, “I won,” the man who famously assured his party that they wouldn’t endure a 1994-style shellacking because they had him, the man who gave an iPod of his speeches to the Queen of England, the man who claimed his election would trigger the falling of oceans and the healing of the sick, the man who believed the best candidate to be his chief of staff was himself – has overcome all of that crippling self-doubt.

Now, to gain the confidence of the rest of us, or at least enough to reelect him next year. That will be tough, I think, because it would require a thorough education on topics of which he seems utterly innocent (e.g. basic economics, free-market capitalism, Business 101, human nature), and a personality transplant.

Where’s The Outrage?

The supposed artist formerly known as Prince made a little news over the weekend, when he said that:

…blacks in the deep south forced to drink from separate fountains and ride in the back of the bus were “happy” to do so.

“It would have been fun being in Mississippi, to know there’s only one correct social order,” Prince told the British newspaper. “There was order. You ride in the back of the bus. There’s no choice. People were happy with that.”

The Guardian pointed out that perhaps not every black forced to drink from separate fountains was thrilled with the idea. The singer acknowledged: “There are people who are unhappy with everything. There’s a dark side to everything.”

Oh. Wait. He didn’t say that? You’re right. Here’s what actually happened.

…women forced to wear burqas in Islamic countries are “happy” to wear them.

“It’s fun being in Islamic countries, to know there’s only one religion,” Prince told the British newspaper. “There’s order. You wear a burqa. There’s no choice. People are happy with that.” (Burqa bans grow fashionable in Europe)

The Guardian pointed out that perhaps not every woman forced to wear a burqa is thrilled with the idea. The singer acknowledged: “There are people who are unhappy with everything. There’s a dark side to everything.”

And here I thought he said something outrageous. Never mind.

[Update a few minutes later]

The idiot political hack formerly known as Speaker of the House said something interesting over the weekend, too. Referring to the summer of 2008, she said:

“When the … unemployment rate is high, it’s hard for the incumbent to win,” Pelosi said in an interview with CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley. “I remind you though, the Republians weren’t the incumbent. We were the incumbent.”

Well, that makes sense, right? I mean, after all, the Democrats had held the entire Congress for over a year and a half. Why blame George Bush?

What? She didn’t say that? She actually said…?:

“When the … unemployment rate is high, it’s hard for the incumbent to win,” Pelosi said in an interview with CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley. “I remind you though, we’re not the incumbent. The Republicans are the incumbent.”

Well, that would be consistent with what she said in 2008, even though, of course, the Republicans only control the House, and they’ve only done it for six months or so.

What? She didn’t really say that in 2008? She campaigned as though the Republicans still controlled the government, and blamed everything on George Bush? That can’t be true. If that were the case, she’d be a rank hypocrite.



Observations from VDH:

That schizophrenia is what confuses so many about illegal immigration — the simultaneous furor over even the suggestion of compliance with federal immigration law and the occasional symbolic expressions of dislike for the United States in public fora, whether booing at the Rose Bowl at mention of America, or walking out of a California high school en masse at the sight of an American-flag T-shirt on Cinco de Mayo.

When a foreign nation is treated as the home team, and when the home team is booed in the Rose Bowl, I think we can see why the entire open-borders, non-enforcement, ‘La Raza’ paradigm of tribal chauvinism based on ethnic solidarity has been proven an abject failure — summed up by one word, “hypocrisy.”

And it’s just one factor in the continuing California decline and ascendancy of Texas and the Gulf Coast.

Well, at least they’re wising up in Holland.