Category Archives: Media Criticism

Climate Change–The Republican Position

Some lengthy thoughts and suggestions from Steve Hayward. I particularly liked this:

The climate campaign’s monomania for near-term suppression of greenhouse gas emissions through cap and trade or carbon taxes or similar means is the single largest environmental policy mistake of the last generation. The way to reduce carbon emissions is not to make carbon-based energy more expensive, but rather make low- and non-carbon energy cheaper at a large scale, so the whole world can adopt it, not just rich nations. This is a massive innovation problem, but you can’t promote energy innovation by economically ruinous taxes and regulation. We didn’t get the railroad by making horse-drawn wagons more expensive; we didn’t get the automobile by taxing the railroads; we didn’t get the desktop computer revolution by taxing typewriters, slide-rules, and file cabinets. It is time to stop ending the charade that we can enact shell game policies like cap and trade that will do nothing to actually solve the problem, but only increase the price of energy and slow down our already strangled economy. I support sensible efforts for government to promote energy technology breakthroughs, but am against subsidizing uncompetitive technologies.

Bjorn Lombog’s Cool It is a good source of common sense on this as well.

Congratulations, New Media

Journalism is back:

MSM political leanings and friendships take precedent over news and news coverage — they simply balked at the idea of covering the “Weinergate” scandal. Rather than investigate, they went on the offensive! Surely the story can’t be trusted, since the source was Breitbart. They mocked those who even discussed it.

How many times will they call a story DOA, only to have Breitbart drop one more thing in their lap? How many times will they ignore a story, just to have New Media show how important it is to the future of the republic?

The MSM reacts to New Media in the same manner they have reacted to Sarah Palin’s bus tour. They mock her every step of the way, then have the gall to be infuriated that they — the press! — are not given her itinerary. They complained about being “forced” to relieve themselves on the side of the road, as if Palin forced them to get in their cars and vans and follow her a la The Beatles arriving in America. The MSM believes that they have — and deserve — a monopoly on the stories we read, and when someone doesn’t fall in line with the old guard attitude, they become petulant.

Well, it was a huge vacuum that something had to fill.

Fact Checking The President

The strangest thing about this is the source. Even the WaPo says that he’s full of it on the auto bailout

We take no view on whether the administration’s efforts on behalf of the automobile industry were a good or bad thing; that’s a matter for the editorial pages and eventually the historians. But we are interested in the facts the president cited to make his case.

What we found is one of the most misleading collections of assertions we have seen in a short presidential speech. Virtually every claim by the president regarding the auto industry needs an asterisk, just like the fine print in that too-good-to-be-true car loan.

Of course, if the Times did it, it would mean the End Times.

“Bone-Headed Beliefs”

Res ipsa loquitur:

Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.

Not necessarily on the forehead; I’m a reasonable man. Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, ”Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?”

On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy. So how about they are forced to buy property on low-lying islands, the sort of property that will become worthless with a few more centimetres of ocean rise, so they are bankrupted by their own bloody-mindedness?

Yes, that’s much more reasonable.


…versus the summer of Nixon.

[Update a few minutes later]

It took her long enough–Ann Althouse has finally given up on CNN. As a commenter notes, they didn’t call it the Clinton News Network in the nineties for nothing.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Revenge of the nerds:

Breitbart and his team of editors and contributors (of which I am one) are everything that the press hates. We find the facts that either they don’t find or they choose to ignore, and we reveal them to the public. As the guy whose name is on all the sites, along with being the content director and a reporter, Breitbart’s job is to publicly take the body slams directed at all the writers including himself.

Let’s face it, Breitbart’s “Big” sites not only shoot down the progressive media’s political idols, but they make the press seem incompetent for not reporting those stories themselves.

When it comes to leftists, they have no journalistic instincts.

[Update a few minutes more later]

The danger to the left of the hypocrisy defense:

Within the parameters of this “Hypocrisy Defense”…Which do you think the general public prefers: An ideology that at least tries to champion a moral code, but whose adherents sometimes fail to live up to it; or an ideology that by its own definition is inherently immoral and whose adherents don’t even have a moral code to violate?

The liberals are taking a HUGE gamble that a majority of Americans will throw in their lot with the party of immorality.

As the old saying goes, hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.