Category Archives: Media Criticism

Where The Debt Comes From

It’s the spending, stupid. And not the war spending.

Bush Chart

As Glenn’s emailer notes, it started to skyrocket right after the Democrats took over Congress in 2007. Before that we were on track to a balanced budget. The fiscal crisis would have certainly caused a spike in the deficit with reduced revenues, but absent the insane economic policies of the first two years of the Obama administration, the economy would have bounced back just as sharply as it dropped, as it does in most other recessions.

Safe Is Not An Option

Clark Lindsey, who got an early draft (and the most recent one), has a review of the book. There are only five days, left, and we’re still short over a thousand dollars. And the more I can exceed the goal, the more I’ll be able to promote this.

[Update early evening]

I just realized that I’ve left out a crucial quote in the book, from an eighties teeshirt. Not sure where to put it, though, but I definitely have to include it.

“The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth. The Rest Of Us Will Go To The Stars.”

Might even be on the cover…

More Guns, Less Crime

Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic comes to recognize the benefits of an armed citizenry, though he still think that there is a “gun-show loophole.” But some of the emotionalism and non-thinking on the part of his interview subjects is breathtaking:

Mauser expresses disbelief that the number of gun deaths fails to shock. He blames the American attachment to guns on ignorance, and on immaturity. “We’re a pretty new nation,” he told me. “We’re still at the stage of rebellious teenager, and we don’t like it when the government tells us what to do. People don’t trust government to do what’s right. They are very attracted to the idea of a nation of individuals, so they don’t think about what’s good for the collective.”

Mauser said that if the United States were as mature as the countries of Europe, where strict gun control is the norm, the federal government would have a much easier time curtailing the average citizen’s access to weapons. “The people themselves would understand that having guns around puts them in more danger.”

I’m sorry your son was killed, but if you want to live in Europe, move to Europe, and be a collectivist. My ancestors came to this country to get away from all that.

What’s In A Word?

Gallup demonstrates the continuing decline into meaninglessness of political labels:

My suspicion here, conveniently enough, is that this is primarily a problem with our political language. It certainly doesn’t help that the two main descriptors — “conservative” and “liberal” — no longer accurately describe the broad political positions of the two parties (“radical classical liberal” and “statist” would do better, I think), or that the president spent the campaign season cynically messing with terms (consider that the architect of Obamacare repeatedly accused Republicans of wanting “get between you and your doctor”). Orwell noted that “it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic cause.”

And, as he notes, consequences.

Beyond Benghazi

OK, you want to move on? Then let’s talk about what happened to the missiles? If they weren’t competent to secure the consulate, and allowed four people to be murdered, why should we think that they managed to secure heat-seeking missiles?

[Update a couple minutes later]

More “moving on.” There are worse blights on Susan Rice’s record than her Benghazi fantasies.

[Update a while later]

With Rice, Benghazi is only the start of the problem.

Can someone explain to me what she’s done at the UN that’s so wonderful, including yesterday’s vote?