Category Archives: Media Criticism

The Russian Moon Mission

I find it hard to take seriously pronouncements of government plans to do something almost two decades from now. That’s a long time, and a lot of things can happen, both technologically and politically, to either accelerate it or put it off even further. I continue to think that the first mission back to the moon will be private, because unlike the government, there are people in that sector who actually want to do it, and they have the resources.


It’s going to cost almost twice as much as they said it would.

Yeah, I’m shocked too. And I still think the estimate is low.

[Update a while later]

Here’s a new post by Phil Klein on the revised CBO estimates. Of course, as we said a that time, CBO estimates are always garbage in garbage out, and a lot of garbage went into it while it was being debated.

[Update a couple minutes later]

More on the lies from Guy Benson, with a bonus mention of the growing deficits, which means that there will be another debt-ceiling fight in the fall, before the election, if not sooner. Hilarious, considering all of the lies and charades the White House went through last summer to avoid that.