Category Archives: Media Criticism

Climatologists Trade Tips On Destroying Evidence

The Daily Tech is on the story now. It amazes me how the warm mongers continue to live in denial about this. They don’t seem to understand how devastating it is to their credibility.

[Update a few minutes later]

I notice now that the article is about a week old. But it’s still a good run down.

[Update a while later]

This follow-up post addresses the desperate defense of “taken out of context.”

[Sunday morning update]

“A sequel as ugly as the original.” Extensive thoughts from Steve Hayward.

Not Understanding Libertarianism

This is a weird comment thread on a post about the latest crusade of the nanny state — against salt.

This would actually be good for me, because I have cut way back on the salt over the past few months, and have thereby reduced my blood pressure, but neither my salt intake, or anyone else’s, is the business of the FDA.

[Update late morning]

More thoughts
on the FDA and sodium at Reason.