Category Archives: Technology and Society

Green Energy In Germany

…is turning out to be brown:

German businesses are considering jumping ship for cheaper energy prices in the developing world or (gasp!) the United States. For households, these subsidies have acted like a particularly regressive tax. The poor [more] feel the bite of higher electricity bills than do the rich. Germany’s new energy and economy minister Sigmar Gabriel is expected to announce a plan to cut renewable energy subsidies later this week in an effort to keep electricity prices down. That will be a step in the right direction, but significant damage has already been done.

And all in the name of junk science and pseudo-religion.

More on the EU’s turnaround at Der Spiegel.

Safe Is Not An Option

Jeff Foust has a review of the book (in the context of last week’s release of the 2013 ASAP report, which I’ve been meaning to comment on), over at The Space Review.

[Update a while later]

And of course the server at The Space Review would go down the day that he reviews my book. I must have crashed it with my link. 😉


NASA doesn’t plan to use it very much. This isn’t really news, but it’s nice to see them point out the implications:

Given the SLS Block 1 launch processing manifest (4-5 years with little to no activities), there is a potential of not having sufficiently trained personnel. Issue – Yellow (May require personnel with advanced skills not readily available).

As I write in the book, even ignoring the cost implications:

From a safety standpoint, it means that its operating tempo will be far too slow, and its flights too infrequent, to safely and reliably operate the system. The launch crews will be sitting around for months with little to do, and by the time the next launch occurs they’ll have forgotten how to do it, if they haven’t left from sheer boredom to seek another job.

What a mess.