More Tax Money Down The Toilet

…but at least it will be an eco-friendly toilet. It’s really infuriating that the administration continues to bail out the foolish and irresponsible with the money of the productive.

[Update a couple minutes later]

More brilliant government “investment” decisions. As he notes, these clueless idiots think that any dollar spent by the government is an “investment.”

The “Science”

continues to be unsettled:

So we have an expert on birds guessing that white blobs on a photo are drowned polar bears.

That’s it.

That’s the science.

He called it a parsimonious explanation. I call it Rorschach.

I call it the deliberate raising of hysteria by lies, in the service of a leftist agenda. And the foremost liar, or deluded fool, is Al Gore.

[Update a few minutes later]

Another food fight breaks out in the climate “science” community.

[Update a while later]

Lying, cheating climate “scientists” caught lying and cheating again.

The “Occupy” Movement

…should be occupying prison:

The media has by and large been very supportive of the various Occupy stunts organized by unions and radical groups. The allegations of rape, pimping underage girls and underage drinking are largely ignored by a national press that repeatedly lied about the peaceful, law-abiding Tea Party movement. With Occupy, police have had to arrest more than 1,000 Occupiers — even as police ignore permit violations, camping violations and pot-smoking. I cannot recall police arresting a single Tea Party member, even though there were 100 times as many of them.

My hope is the American people will see through this charade and vote Republican next year in a backlash against this group of freeloaders.

I hope so, too. I wish there were a better alternative, though.

[Update a while later]

A message for #OWS from an oil rigger’s wife.

A Unified Theory

..of left-wing causes:

Isn’t it interesting that no matter what the current global crisis is, according to leftists, the solution is always the same: a benevolent world dictatorship of the enlightened elite, and mass transfer of wealth from rich nations to poor nations.

That’s what they want to do about global warming. It’s what they wanted to do about overpopulation. It’s what they wanted to do about endangered species.

I’m sure it’s just coincidence. But anyway, it will be a benevolent dictatorship, so that’s OK.

Oh, Wow

Steve Jobs last words, according to his sister.

What I found interesting was this:

A middle-class boy from Los Altos, he fell in love with a middle-class girl from New Jersey. It was important to both of them to raise Lisa, Reed, Erin and Eve as grounded, normal children. Their house didn’t intimidate with art or polish; in fact, for many of the first years I knew Steve and Lo together, dinner was served on the grass, and sometimes consisted of just one vegetable. Lots of that one vegetable. But one. Broccoli. In season. Simply prepared. With the just the right, recently snipped, herb.

That is not a healthy diet. Broccoli is good for you but not just broccoli. He probably could have lived a lot longer if he’d understood nutrition better.

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