Kiss Of Death

Clark Lindsey notes (probably correctly):

Certainly one way to help insure that the exploration program continues past this administration would be to tie it closely with international partners as was done with the ISS in the early 1990s.

Based on history, it would also be a good way to insure that the program is delayed, over cost, and doesn’t achieve its objectives. Back in 1993 NASA made a Faustian bargain. It would accept the need to make the station more “international” in exchange for keeping Congressional (and in that case, more importantly, administration) support. It won its appropriation by a single vote.

We went to the moon alone, and it was vastly successful, at least in terms of getting to the moon. There’s no reason to think that bringing in other nations increases the probability of success, or reduce costs, even if it increases the probability of keeping the program alive politically. This is not a dig at other nations–it’s simply a recognition of the degree to which bringing in other entities, with their own inscrutable politics (that, like ours, largely have nothing to do with space), can complicate and confound our own efforts. For recent (in the last four years) readers of this blog, I discoursed on this subject back in 2002.

Office Problem

Microsoft, that is.

I haven’t been posting much because, even though I’m back home in Florida, we still have a lot of deliverables to complete this week. I’m working on a Word document, and when I try to save, I get a message that it can’t because I either have too many files open, or there’s no space on the disk. I only have one file open, and there’s lots of space on the disk (I can download things to it, and save to it from other applications, and the problem appears on whatever drive I attempt to save to, including network drives).

For some reason, Word thinks that it has a problem that it doesn’t. Has anyone ever seen this behavior? By the way, it’s Word 97…

I’d work in Open Office, but I can’t be sure that it will generate clean compatible files with tracked changes for the Word people to use when they integrate the book.

[Update about 6:30 Eastern]

It seems to be a problem with this particular file. I tried it on Patricia’s machine and had the same problem. I can save smaller files, so I’ll just have to cut’n’paste the sections I’m working on individually, and let them reintegrate it. But it doesn’t look like a reinstall of Word or Office would fix it.

Just On The Other Side

Reuters has been caught doctoring photos to make Israel look bad? Shocking, just shocking! Errr…that they were finally caught, that is.

I hope that this photographer never gets another gig, but I’m sure that he’ll probably get a plenty of offers from Middle Eastern media.

[Update a few minutes later]

I should add that Reuters gets a little credit (but not that much) for admitting it quickly (unlike CBS did). Of course, they had little choice, since the fakery was so blatantly obvious (though not much more so than the Rather memos).

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!