Can It Be Done?

Technology Review has some of the initial attempts to knock off Aubrey de Grey’s thesis on the feasibility of immortality (actually, indefinite lifespace is a better phrase). I haven’t read them yet, but my readers may be interested. They also contain a response to each by de Grey, and a counterresponse.

[Via the newly redesigned Cosmic Log website, which now looks a lot more bloggy, though I suspect that Alan still goes through an editor, or at least an uploader…]


We’re getting the first bits of wind and thunderstorms from it here. I guess Al Gore’s killer hurricane season has begun. I’m sure that he’ll be thrilled to have the first storm named after him.


A meteorite struck Norway a couple days ago, releasing many kilotons of energy–equivalent to the Hiroshima bomb in explosive power.

Fortunately it was out in the boonies. If it had hit a major city it would have killed many thousands of people, and if it had struck in the ocean it could have generated a nasty tsunami. And we continue to do very little to defend ourselves from them.

We were lucky this time, but we shouldn’t continue to count on luck. The sooner we become a truly spacefaring country and planet (and NASA’s current plans do little to advance us in that direction), the sooner we’ll be able to manage these things.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!