“I Brought You Into This World…

…and I can take you out of it.” Remember that old parent’s words of…well, if not wisdom, certainly effectiveness? Well, it may turn out that an asteroid brought dinosaurs into being. Guess it just shows that, either way, you shouldn’t mess with Ma Nature.

I’ve observed before how insular paleontology and geology can be, and how hard it was for Alvarez to get his theory accepted, because earth scientists couldn’t (or didn’t want to) imagine extraterrestrial events having such an impact (literally) on the evolution of the planet and his life. The fact that this theory seems to be taken seriously shows that we’ve started to get over that.

Oh, and because I’m reading an interesting book on the subject, extra points to anyone who knows who Wilkes Land is named after, without looking it up (and no, “Wilkes” is not a sufficient answer).

“I Brought You Into This World…

…and I can take you out of it.” Remember that old parent’s words of…well, if not wisdom, certainly effectiveness? Well, it may turn out that an asteroid brought dinosaurs into being. Guess it just shows that, either way, you shouldn’t mess with Ma Nature.

I’ve observed before how insular paleontology and geology can be, and how hard it was for Alvarez to get his theory accepted, because earth scientists couldn’t (or didn’t want to) imagine extraterrestrial events having such an impact (literally) on the evolution of the planet and his life. The fact that this theory seems to be taken seriously shows that we’ve started to get over that.

Oh, and because I’m reading an interesting book on the subject, extra points to anyone who knows who Wilkes Land is named after, without looking it up (and no, “Wilkes” is not a sufficient answer).

“I Brought You Into This World…

…and I can take you out of it.” Remember that old parent’s words of…well, if not wisdom, certainly effectiveness? Well, it may turn out that an asteroid brought dinosaurs into being. Guess it just shows that, either way, you shouldn’t mess with Ma Nature.

I’ve observed before how insular paleontology and geology can be, and how hard it was for Alvarez to get his theory accepted, because earth scientists couldn’t (or didn’t want to) imagine extraterrestrial events having such an impact (literally) on the evolution of the planet and his life. The fact that this theory seems to be taken seriously shows that we’ve started to get over that.

Oh, and because I’m reading an interesting book on the subject, extra points to anyone who knows who Wilkes Land is named after, without looking it up (and no, “Wilkes” is not a sufficient answer).

God And The Singularity

Some thoughts, over at The Speculist. Not sure how to categorize this post, but I went with “Technology and Society.” The notion of “celebrities as proto-transhumans” is interesting.

And as a complete aside (based on a comment over there mentioning her), am I the only heterosexual American male who doesn’t find Jessica Simpson particularly attractive?

[Update a few minutes later]

Just to take the post further off topic, I also have no idea what it is that anyone sees in Drew Barrymore (though I know from experience that Michael Mealing will find this heresy).

Mac’s Witnesses

This is pretty funny (given the proselytizing I’ve had to recently endure in my Fedora upgrade thread). Be sure to take the poll, too:

What would you do if Macintosh’s Witnesses came to your door?

  • Just hide and hope they go away.
  • Welcome them with open arms and an open node.
  • Get down on my knees and praise Jobs!
  • Join them in their crusade against those Redmond devils!
  • Try to convert them to Linux.
  • Nitpick about Macs being more expensive and how you think there’s no software for them.
  • Put them in the Trash.

Mac’s Witnesses

This is pretty funny (given the proselytizing I’ve had to recently endure in my Fedora upgrade thread). Be sure to take the poll, too:

What would you do if Macintosh’s Witnesses came to your door?

  • Just hide and hope they go away.
  • Welcome them with open arms and an open node.
  • Get down on my knees and praise Jobs!
  • Join them in their crusade against those Redmond devils!
  • Try to convert them to Linux.
  • Nitpick about Macs being more expensive and how you think there’s no software for them.
  • Put them in the Trash.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!