Where’s The Outrage?

I already mentioned this this morning (a few posts down), but here’s a press story. The Church is angry at the Israelis for shooting at the Church of the Nativity (in apparent response to sniper fire from it). No similar anger is expressed at the Palestinian commandos who took over the place.

In fact, not only are they not angry, but they’re attempting to negotiate a deal to move them to Gaza, after they’ve given up their weapons.

Why are they doing this? Do they think they’ve done nothing wrong? Or is it because they don’t want the church to sustain any more damage, and risk the lives of the hostages (who they will not admit are hostages) in the battle that it would require to capture or kill them?

If the former, they are moral morons, and don’t deserve to run a Sunday school, let alone a Christian church. If the latter, then it’s clear that the church and its inhabitants are hostages to the situation, regardless of the mealy-mouthed platitudes being pronounced by their eminences.

And either way, they’re apparently perfectly comfortable with rewarding terrorism with freedom to go out and do it some more (there’s likely no shortage of replacement guns in Gaza).

Christians everywhere should be outraged.