Rinse, Lather, Repeat

With so many talented and insightful writers out there (most of whom I’d never even heard of less than a year ago, let alone read), it sometimes seems that there’s little new to say, or ability to say it better than others already have.

But I think that there’s value in saying things that aren’t new, and even in repeating things you’ve said before yourself, because apparently, the message continues to not get through in many cases, as evidenced by editiorial insanity continuing to spew from the WaPo and paper formerly known as the Paper of Record.

And if we continue to hammer on the same valid themes, as more people become aware of this medium, new readers will read them, or those who have read them before will view them in a new light, perhaps refracted through the prism of the latest atrocity in Israel, or some particularly egregious and appalling evidence that Islam (at least right now) is not the peaceful religion that many of its proponents claim.

For example, James Lileks says little new in today’s bleat on the latter subject, but (as is usually the case) he says it in a new and compelling way. If everyone read him, it would rightly be the last word on the subject, but there are many who remain still unaware of his writing–even his existence, so what he says will probably have to be said again (though through the magic of permanent hyperlinks, the next person who has to say it will have this gem to reference).

So, I’ll be less reticent in the future about repetition and recycling of old material, and less intimidated by the many greater talents here in the blogosphere, because I’ve come to think that it can still make a difference.