The Grapes Of Ego

Byron York has some of Markos’ modest little speech the other day, but I’ve found the rest that he decided not to use:

“Yeah, they can take me down, Ma, but I’ll still be there, with Armstrong. I’m a part of something bigger–the way I figger it, I’m just a small part of one big netroots movement. I’ll be all ‘roun’ in the dark. Stumblin’ ’round in the dark. I’ll be ever’where. Ever’where you look.

Whenever there’s a brutally murdered American in Iraq to scorn, I’ll be there.

Wherever there’s a few loons milling around with misspelled protes’ signs saying ‘Bush Lied! People Died!’ and pictures of Che, and paper-mache puppets of Uncle Sam and Bushitlercheney McHalliburton, I’ll be there.

Wherever there’s a politician panderin’ to the tiny anti-American, ‘anti-war’ constituency, I’ll be there.

Wherever there’s a politician who los’ an election because he decided that he wasn’t far enough to the lef’, I’ll be there.

Wherever there’s a moonbat business associate whose political beliefs seem to shuttlecock with the financial winds, and who thinks that Osama attacked us because the Moon is in the Seventh House, and we were oppressing the Oort Cloud with our technoimperialism, I’ll be there.

I’ll be in the way that mindless minions compassionately tilt their heads in sorrow and regret over the fact that Saddam and the Taliban are no longer in power.

I’ll be in the way that leftist blogs spew spittle and obscenities at whoever has the temerity to disagree with them, or acquaint them with facts, and logic, and then delete or modify their commen’s.

I’ll be in the way that any position other than extreme lef’ is branded ‘full of hate,’ ‘racis’,’ ‘right-wing,’ ‘neocon,’ ‘fascis’,’ etc.

And wherever there’s a buck to be made, and an ego to be gratified, off the ‘progressive’ suckers that are seemingly born much more frequently than P. T. Barnum could have ever imagined, I’ll be there, too.”

[Update on Saturday night]

What, now they’re embarrassed to call Amstrong an astrologer? Why?

And doesn’t Google cache just suck? Well, at least if you’re the type who wants to toss things down the memory hole…