Well, We Can See Why Some Democrats Like Huckabee

Here’s a(nother–see comments*) example:

He told the governors: ‘Who’s going to fight [the war on terror] in the future if we’re a generation so sick that we don’t have the capacity to show up for work?'” So: In addition to folksy, populist, and funny, we need to start adding the adjective “dumb.”

Between that and his proposal for a nationwide smoking ban, I think that you can stick a fork in him for the Republican nomination. Sorry to those Democrats* who were looking for a southern Democrat to run on the Republican ticket.

* “I like Mike Huckabee. He speaks with a level of candor other politicians do not and he is just about the only GOP candidate that might tempt me to cross over in the general election.

However, this also means he is very, very unlikely to become the GOP nominee. “