4 thoughts on “What Do Men (And Women) Want?”

  1. I think the major flaw in the study is that what people say they want in a mate is not very representative of what they actually do, as measured by their actual choices.

  2. I don’t get it, women have never liked Nice Guys. Because nice guys aren’t actually nice, but more often what we used to call “people pleasers” – afraid to stand up for themselves and make others mad.

    Honestly I think they’re “strip away religion” comment is way off base. Religion and tradition is so often based on evolution. Just look at animal behavior and what females want in the male: dependability, ambition, wow the same things! It was like that in the past and still like that now. Only one thing changed for the women and it looks like a small change.

    The only thing that really changed is the men. And let’s be honest, the women STILL are the ones that decide who they will sleep with or marry.

  3. For Mom-ma, make him a scholar, for Po-pa make him rich as a king! For me, well, I wouldn’t holler, if he were as handsome as anything!

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