Where’s The Hurry?

Ramesh makes a damned good point:

If time is of the essence and the bill has to pass right now, as Democrats keep saying, why should there be a conference committee at all? As soon as the Senate bill passes, Pelosi should just bring it up in the House and urge the Democrats to put the putative good of the country first. The bill could be on the president’s desk by Wednesday afternoon. If there’s time for the House Democrats to try to improve the bill/pork it up, why isn’t there time for anyone else to try to get a better product?

I guess because it can only be improved by House Democrats.

One thought on “Where’s The Hurry?”

  1. Well, here is what I think we should do.

    1. Call, write, and email members of congress, and tell them to vote no on the stimulus.

    2. Boycott all the companies that have gotten bailout money.This should include all banks, car companies, and any other company that recieves bailout money.Write and call the companies, and tell them why you are boycotting them.These companies need to know why you are boycotting them.

    3. In 2010, don’t vote for any member of congress, that has voted for the stimulus, or for the bailouts.But what if, you are a Democrat, or a Republican, and your member of congress voted for the bailous, or the stimulus bill, but you don’t wan’t to vote for the other party.Well in that case, go and vote in the primary, and vote to put some one else on the ticket.If nobody else is running against that candidate, then you may wan’t to run against the incumbent.Tell the voters that the incumbent voted for the stimulus, or the bailouts.

    4. Donate money to candidates that are running against members of congress, that have voted for the stimulus, or the bailouts.

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