
Congressman Gerry Ackerman:

…the point of finding out who has taken this money – – listen, we own 80 percent of that company right now. From my — as far as I am concerned, they are almost public employees. Public employees, we have — we can have certain requirements on them.

If they return the money, then I don’t think anybody has to know who they are or what their names are.

So, as Jonah says, if you just give us the money, we won’t tell the people who want to garrotte you who you are and where you live. We just want to make you an offer you can’t refuse.

And of course, there’s all the bluster from slimeballs like Chuck Schumer about ex-post-facto bills of attainder, as though it’s not dually unconstitutional.

I cannot recall a time in my life that I have been more sickened by the political class in Washington.

[Update a few minutes later]

And then there’s this, on the president comparing bankers to suicide bombers:

“Same thing with AIG,” Obama said. “It was the right thing to do to step in. Like they’ve got a bomb strapped to them and they’ve got their hand on the trigger, you don’t want them to blow up, but you’ve got to ease them off the trigger.”

And the president held out his arm and pantomimed a hand on a trigger, and we were rapt, waiting for what would happen next.

Remember, the president is a great communicator.

Like many, I have my share of anger over the bonuses, at the employees, at the AIG leadership, Geithner, the Fed, President Obama, Senator Dodd, etc. … But if some nut tries to kill some AIG employees… who fanned the flames?

Hey, it’s the Chicago way.

6 thoughts on “Thuggery”

  1. Well, it’s not like anyone was comparing AIG to a mushroom cloud. THAT was newsworthy. This is the Great Teleprompter just helping us little people understand that our betters in Washington know how to protect us.

  2. I used to say that “D.C.” stood for District of Confusion.

    Nowdays? District of Corruption.

    Too bad Liddy didn’t rip into the scumbags yesterday. I don’t know why he’s putting up with their .

  3. Maybe Liddy thinks he can get another round of money out of Congress? It has worked so far.

  4. Well, I guess it’s easier to understand why the Angry Left used to discover fascistic strong-arming in nearly everything the Bush Administration did. OMFG! Searching laptops of people coming from Pakistan at the border! Black helicopters! The camps! Aieeee!

    Pure projection, I guess. They were confusing their own fantasies with the Bushies’ motives.

  5. The next time a late night comic says there’s no humor in the Obama administration, I hope someone calls them a big fat liar. They should be having a FIELD day with this stuff. Instead, they’re all Al Franken now.

  6. Hmmm, I am somehow reminded of dogs here. I used to live in a household with a canine vacuum cleaner. When people cooked in the kitchen, she’d loiter around until some food fell on the floor. *Slurp*

    This kerfuffle sounds a lot like that. Congress is expressing dismay that the money is disappearing as quick as it’s getting doled out. But what do you expect? You throw food on the ground and the dogs will clean it up. You throw money at people without watching where it goes and this is the sort of thing that happens.

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