Don’t Expect This To Go Anywhere

A “shall issue” law has been introduced in Sacramento. I can’t see the Democrats in the legislature passing it, even with the Pink Pistol support, and if they do, I would expect the RINO Governator to veto it. And the arrogance continues to amaze:

Both McGinness and Reed said that in their counties, simply wanting to carry a concealed weapon isn’t good-enough cause.

“Personal protection is insufficient,” McGinness said.

I guess these fascists don’t like to see people out of uniform able to defend themselves.

4 thoughts on “Don’t Expect This To Go Anywhere”

  1. “Personal protection is insufficient,” McGinness said.

    “If you little people want to be safe you should buy a house in a gated community like me,” he added.

    (The quote not in italics has not been fact-checked and may be inaccurate.)

  2. “Personal protection is insufficient,” McGinness said.

    What an idiot, personal protection is the primary reason to carry a firearm.

    So what, are the going to disarm the police now? After all they carry their sidearms for personal protection.

  3. In principle the sheriff is right; there should be some local flexibility in applying the rules.

    The problem is that, it would seem, some sheriffs have been abusing their authority. We know all about that in OC, of course. The most correct solution is to vote the sheriff out in the next election, but of course it’s rare that CCW becomes the issue in an election.

    Another way would be for Chief McGinness to get a clue, and start talking seriously to his fellow chiefs of police, let them know that if they continue to be unreasonable, then the people will jam something righteous….er, down their throats, let us say. Moderation and good sense will stave off the vengeance.

    But it must be something in the water out here. California officials never seem to learn that lesson. Gray David, Rose Bird, Prop 13 — they just sail on oblivious until they hit a huge rock, then say OMG! Those crazy citizens, no patience! Weird.

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