They Won

So why is the left still angry? Glenn asks: “maybe it’s become a habit.”

“Become” a habit? It seems to me it’s an intrinsic feature of leftism, which is based on a permanent state of envy, class warfare and seeking “social justice” and “equality.” Which is why it is leftists (from Hitler to Stalin to Mao and Pol Pot) who have been responsible for hundreds of millions of violent deaths over the past century. You have to break the eggs to make the social-justice omelette through the collective will. It’s not individualists who do that kind of thing.

[Update late morning]

More evidence of lunacy on the left: hating Milton Friedman.

172 thoughts on “They Won”

  1. Genocide simply isn’t compatible with right-wing goals. Right-wing dictators like Mussolini, Franco, and Pinochet were bad dudes,

    Well, you have to remember that all of these were in fact left-wing bad dudes. Any government that restricts freedom is left-wing (the definition of leftism is the destruction of freedom; see Hayek for more on this).

  2. Does this omelet have the rosemary of the triumph of the proletariat?

    Because that really makes eggs sing.

  3. “It is an insignificant distinction. The notion that “nationalist” is “right” and “internationalist” is left is a myth promulgated by the left after the falling out between Hitler and Stalin.”

    Well, how about trying to come up with a couple…even one Nationalist left wing party from any time? You can come up with plenty transnational left parties…so…not insignificant.

  4. People are not stupid

    Your premise is refuted by the rest of your posts.

    BTW, it’s true that conservatives (though usually in the business instead of in the individualistic sense) often supported Fascists in their rise to power. This was true in Germany, Italy and Spain at least.

    However, it should be noted that this was not because the Fascists were conservative (the Fascists were radicals), but because the Communists were worse, and the Great Depression had killed off the power of the conservatives to control policy directly.

  5. Manamongst,

    I get confused too when governments are depicted based on right and left. In most political science texts I’ve seen, fascism and naziism are treated as socialist and therefore leftist schemes, but not in all.

    It becomes clearer when you look at the other political pole, with north representing the Enlightenment liberal perspective and south representing statism in its various formats. At the north, the individual is considered to be the control unit. He or she is a citizen. Political activity among citizens takes place in civil society (like this blog, for example) as well as in interaction with elected officials along more formal lines.

    In statist regimes, by contrast, an elite is considered the locus of control, the decision-makers, to be followed by subjects who can no longer claim the full powers of citizenship. Obama is a statist, but McCain, on the right, was equally so. Scalia and Thomas sometimes come down on the side of statism. Roberts and Alito, also on the right, seldom do.

    It gets more difficult when you look at governments because, as was pointed out above with Pinochet, there are often inconsistent aspects, such as relatively free markets in an otherwise socialist regime. Few governments are all this or all that. But from my perspective, all statist governments, of the left or the right, are equally bad.

  6. Well, how about trying to come up with a couple…even one Nationalist left wing party from any time?

    We already have one. The Nazi Party.

    Take away the racism, genocide and war mongering, and just what is it about the Nazi platform that a leftist wouldn’t like? Hitler and Stalin got along just fine right up until Hitler betrayed him.

  7. “I don’t think that word means what you think it means. Mussolini was always a man of the left.”

    Right, way to address the issue Rand…I couldn’t think of a more pointless counter argument to make at this point.

    Man of the left… if that makes you feel better.

    Just to clarify teacher, what government put Mussolini into power? And while you’re at it ignore the March On Rome…

  8. Essentially they love the State, the flip side of which is a hatred of freedom, and a deep resentment of those who just won’t get with the program and quietly roll over to be buggered by Leviathan.

  9. And one more…thing…adding…useless…dots will make you not…se…em like a idot. I A CLEAR THINKER…who name drops…people youve never heard….of. Such…as

    “Thomas…Jefferson said that dissent is…the lowest form of scum and vill…iany. Or that is what my…womyns studies pr…offessor said.” See my brainthouhts are smartier then….yours…cause I use “quotes” with no…app…ar…ent idea where I got them…from…

    NOT…worshi…p…XENU cau…se he…in….fe…s…ted youre body with THETANS…idot wingnuts….

    Sorry to be a genus to youre stupid not CLEAR THINKERS…………

  10. And another…thing…

    Only fascists use rosemary…in ome…lets. Clear thinkers use tar…ragon……

  11. Mussolini (aka “Il Duce:) : “Everything for the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.”

    Obama (aka “Il Dufe”) : “What the Italian guy said.”

  12. Please someone tell me one competent idea has Lucianne’s son come up with in his lifetime. As we know it isn’t hard to be labelled a “conservative thinker”. While we’re at name one thing a conservative has invented?

  13. To further elaborate on Mussolini’s chops as man of the Left: Lenin and Il Duce were mutual admirers, at least in the earlier parts of Mussolini’s career. Both Bolshevism and Fascism had significant roots in the Bismarckian Rechtsstaat and to the extent they were hostile to each other this was largely a turf war for the support of the proletariat rather than any overarching ideological differences (q.v Road to Serfdom).

    The Left’s ahistorical depiction of Fascism as right-wing is a conscious attempt to obscure the fact that most of its goals and practises were completely consonant with the progressivist cause. Take out the Holocaust and there’s not many planks of Fascist doctrine your average Berkeley Queer Studies prof would take issue with. Identity politics, the elevation of the State to ersatz Godhood, the tarring of dissenters as morally or intellectually diseased, the subsumption of the individual into a collective mass: these are all Left/Fascist behaviours.

  14. Man of the left… if that makes you feel better.

    Just to clarify teacher, what government put Mussolini into power? And while you’re at it ignore the March On Rome…

    What difference does it make? He was a socialist.

    Please someone tell me one competent idea has Lucianne’s son come up with in his lifetime. As we know it isn’t hard to be labelled a “conservative thinker”. While we’re at name one thing a conservative has invented?

    I could list a whole number of things that “conservatives” invented (starting with Ford Models A and T), but the whole comment is too stupid to even waste time on.

    Do you have anything intelligent to contribute to the conversation? You simply seem to have nothing but ad hominem attacks. Have you read his book? If not, you’re simply beclowning yourself here.

  15. M. Hussein:

    “And at the same time you neglect to clearly state the forms of government that drove those leaders INTO power, they were all conservative.”

    Whoa, dude. You really cannot compare conservatives in mid-20th century Europe with conservatives in the US. What US conservatives are conservative about is classical liberalism, functioning as a republic, rule of law, free markets and so on. What European conservatives are conservative about, to this day for the most part, is monarchism and other anti-republican concepts. Those “conservatives” who supported the rise of militaristic European socialism were statists of the first rank, nothing like US most US conservatives.

  16. Boyamongst Men,

    I would try and address you but I was talking to Rand…and anyway…apparently you’re better served at another site…At least everyone else approaches arguments like adults and intelligently…you…(notice the dots) well you just are interested in being ignorant and forwarding the cliche that Conservatives are anti-intellectual. Too much smart-guy stuff going on…brain overheating…I know say a bunch of stuff that makes no sense like Glen Beck, yeah that’s what ‘ll do…lol…see you can use dots too…but not between actual letters of a word…that was a bit corny.

  17. “Well, how about trying to come up with a couple…even one Nationalist left wing party from any time?”

    *The Black Panthers, circa 1966.
    *Sinn Fein.

    There you go. Three of them.

  18. Charlie: Agree, but wouldn’t you say that this is comparable to what Rand is doing? Clearly a great deal of time has passed for both forms of governments and idiological leanings. But the better question should be why are Rand and others (should I call them water carriers) ramping up the Beck and Goldberg silliness? Is it even necessary, and why isthe fear necessary? Just overnight, and look like dominoes the most patriotic start talking they want to succede?

    So why when I make the equivalence with historical FACTS do I get the “whoa dude”. And you immediately go back to your Paultardic definitions trying to circle the wagons

  19. The roster of left-wing mass murderers is so illustrious that one needs to kill a million people just to gain membership to the club :

    Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Il-Sung, Saddam Hussein, Milosevic

    Less than a million killed = not even an member of the club.

    Make no mistake – the modern left would gladly send Republicans and devout Christians to the gas chambers if they could. Do you doubt this? Ask them, and note how they dodge the question rather than clearly say ‘no’.

    Whenever you see an enviro-cultist say that the population of the West has to be halved to reach ‘environmentally sustainable’ levels, the left is in the process of rationalizing why the ‘greater good’ entails extermination of the entire right of center population.

    Pretty soon, leftists will justify a school shooting as a necessary culling of the herd before the kids reach reproductive age. The left will have no qualms about justifying the killing of other people’s children.

    The Internet allows leftists with genocidal urges to band together across nations. Be afraid….

  20. LOL

    “Take away the racism, genocide and war mongering, and just what is it about the Nazi platform that a leftist wouldn’t like? Hitler and Stalin got along just fine right up until Hitler betrayed him.”

    Come on…you can not be serious!

    I guess that would be a better question to ask those conservatives of Germany then.

    “What difference does it make? He was a socialist.”

    I’m glad to see you pondered that one, mental heavy-weight stuff if you can get it lol.

    Oh and Henry Ford would fall under the category of co-oped technology…a nice way of saying stolen by free-marketeer. Invention Rand…and it is extremely important, exponentially more important than any idea in that book Jonah wrote and yes I read it. An easy read I’ll give him that, but it is in the line of many books written with a conclusion in mind and all info gathered is to forward that goal/belief.

    I am not attacking you, but you would think that you would take disagreement more serious. But it doesn’t appear you are that serious at all.

  21. Ooh, ooh! How about:

    *The Chinese Communist Party
    *The Vlaams-Socialistische Beweging
    *Janathā Vimukthi Peramuṇa
    *Parti nationaliste du Québec
    *Sri Lanka Freedom Party

  22. “… it is characterised by paramilitarism and a willingness to use violence, thuggery, and intimidation in pursuit of its goals.”

    I agree that this statement applies to Fascism and the Nazi party, but it applies equally to socialism and what happened in communist Russia, China, and anywhere else socialist parties have risen to power. The fact is that both fascism and socialism have been used to justify the centralizing power into the hands of a few individuals under the guise that what is best for the state is best for all. In rhetoric, Fascism and Socialism might have had slightly different talking points, but in practice it’s hard to see much difference between the two. Both are opposed to a “right leaning” view that power is best distributed out to the individual through rights and other protections from the state.

  23. Back on topic…
    One popular slogan of the American left is “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” That is, either you are wallowing in your ignorance or you are angry, angry, angry! There is no in between and there is no other excuse for not being angry.
    In this age of relativism, the only way that a person can be judged is on the strength and purity of one’s feelings. Anger and hatred give their empty lives meaning. Without it, they would be boring, unimportant little people. With it, they are on the vanguard of history, part of the revolution, enemies of evil, etc, etc.

  24. Manamongst,

    I assume you are inquiring whether RS is also conflating labels ill-advisedly as you did with “conservatives.” I don’t think so for this reason. Since the Treaty of Gotha, there have been any number of socialist manifestos issued and any number of communist denunciations of same. It’s all out there and well-chronicled, dissected, laid bare. Where socialism has come to power, it has done so with different flavors and different “imbeds” (you might say) from previous customs and practices, not always consistent.

    Rand has been consistent with where the bulk of Political Science comes down on the essential basis for fascism and naziism. Those political scientists who favor socialism do not designate them as socialist, one, because they deplore the militarism or other aspects, and, two, because they are *failed experiments.* Best to claim some distance from them, then.

    Still, as I said above, when it comes to governments, even more than with individuals, it is quite confusing as to what is truly what for the simple reason that anything so large is never close to “pure,” ideologically speaking. Take the US now, we have pretty much everything except monarchists contending in the political arena.

  25. Took, then it should be relatively easy to put me in my place. Name something man!

    Maybe you’re a bit confused:

    “Virtually all scientific innovations of the last 150 years were invented by the US. Not the USSR or other leftist state. ”

    No one is arguing that. Name one american conservative that has invented, not stolen. In the last…ever!!!

    “It is a well-known fact that the right is more intelligent and economically productive than the left.”

    I disagree. Name some of the riches people in this country and they are raving liberals. The Anti-christ Soros, you guys thought Buffet was on your side. And even recently, they have documented as far as tax burden/expenditures (yeah I know not a perfect example) blue states are basically carrying the red. And before you sillys start saying that captive conservatives in blue states prop up the blue state numbers; they are blue states for a reason

  26. You know, I could go on like this. In fact, I think I will.

    *Euskal Iraultzarako Alderdia
    *Azerbaijani Popular Front Party
    *Puerto Rican Independence Party
    *Peruvian Nationalist Party
    *Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
    *National Democratic Front of the Philippines
    *Bloc Québécois
    *Ba’ath Party (!) 1963 – Present
    *National Bolshevik Party (!!)

  27. Hitler and Stalin got along just fine right up until Hitler betrayed him

    So, all those fine anti-communist speeches from the 20s onwards were, in fact, a lie?

    I’ll add this to my growing list of Simbergian Errors in Fact and Analysis. At this rate it’ll absorb my entire blog soon.

    Reading your blog degenerate is really rather amusing.

  28. Hussein,

    I provided a link that shows high income corelated with being a Bush voter.

    You ignored that link because it didn’t fit your narrative (a bogus narrative, I might add).

    In 2004, 72% of the Forbes 400 voted for Bush, while only 28% voted for Kerry. Your Soros is part of the 28%.

    You do know that 72% is a strong majority, and 28% is a minority, don’t you?

    I provided data proving you wrong. Yet, you won’t admit it. Honesty is incompatible with leftism.

    As far as the ‘blue states carrying the red’ – more bogus leftism. Take it to the county level, and you will see that the red states carry the blue by a wide margin (which is expected, given than low-income people vote left while productive people vote right).

    Perhaps the more accurate question would be : Name anything a MUSLIM has invented in the last 500 years.

  29. “one american conservative that has invented, not stolen. In the last…ever!!!”

    You set that up nicely. Since every invention by anyone right or left is based at least in part from someone’s elses ideas, you can dismiss any name given as someone who stole their innovations. Why bother replying?

    “Name some of the riches people in this country and they are raving liberals.” Actually, I think modern day “liberals” are actually very conservative in that they want a power structure with themselves at the top firmly entrenched. Now that Soros is rich, he wants to rewrite the rules so he stays rich and noone else can compete in the free market with him.

  30. “Take away the racism, genocide and war mongering, and just what is it about the Nazi platform that a leftist wouldn’t like? Hitler and Stalin got along just fine right up until Hitler betrayed him.”

    Come on…you can not be serious!

    I’m perfectly serious. Have you read the Nazi platform? Or is that another area (like Goldberg’s book) about which you are willfully ignorant?

    For instance, Point Seven: We demand that the state be charged first with providing a livelihood with a way of life for its citizens. Is that a “left” or a “rightwing” position? Or how about Point Eleven: Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of rent-slavery. Left or right?

    Or “Nationalization of all previously associated industries,” a “division of profits of heavy industries,” and and “total confiscation of all war profits.” Left, or right?

    “An expansion on a large scale of old-age welfare.”

    “Immediate communalization of all large warehouses,and their being leased at low cost to small firms.”

    “Land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expopriation of land for the purpose of public utility.”

    “The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently introduction into leading positions…”

    What’s a leftist not to like? Other than the racism, genocide, and war-mongering, of course, except that existed in all the other leftist totalitarian regimes as well, and they don’t seem to complain.

    Oh and Henry Ford would fall under the category of co-oped technology…a nice way of saying stolen by free-marketeer.

    WTF? Who did Henry Ford “steal” technology from?

    I am not attacking you, but you would think that you would take disagreement more serious. But it doesn’t appear you are that serious at all.

    No, I would say that someone who attacks people whose books they haven’t read, and claims that “conservatives never invented anything” is a person who is not serious at all.

  31. I should have added that he doesn’t want anyone to compete with him in the same free market that helped make him rich.

  32. I agree with your framing on this as well Charlie, and listen, I am no Euro-cheerleader. But bottom-line, any attempt to try and draw significance to the angry Socialists of Europe to the American left’s anger is silly. When clearly Rand has taken liberty with extremely NON-congruent aspects of both groups (“previous customs and practices, not always consistent”). When anyone with a brain can see that there are many different kinds of Socialism. If basking in calling them “the left” makes him feel better than more power to him. At this point in the game it’s all dog whistle politics anyway. Is he trying to be a slightly more intellectualized version of Glen Beck? Oh well.

    Clearly eveyone gets angry…so what right?

    There is a left and a right to every form of ideology

    Out of curiosity…who’s the Commie in our current government?

  33. So, all those fine anti-communist speeches from the 20s onwards were, in fact, a lie?

    Anti-communist is not anti-leftist. No one has ever claimed that Hitler was a communist. But again, reading comprehension has never been your strong suit.

  34. Manamongst,

    I was in the start-up/venture-capital world in Palo Alto/Menlo Park for 20 years. I can tell you that entrepreneurs come in all political stripes (but seldom wear their politics on their sleeves, at least until success comes).

    However, when it comes to the holders of large wealth and corporate power, self-interest tends to move minds away from unbridled capitalism, red in tooth and claw from innovation-caused obsolescence, and toward corporatism. Corporatism blends easily with socialism (it is, after all, basically asking government to protect large pockets of wealth from the vicissitudes of the marketplace), as was the case with Italian Fascism.

  35. Rand, read the book…not feeling it.

    “Take away the racism, genocide and war mongering, and just what is it about the Nazi platform that a leftist wouldn’t like? Hitler and Stalin got along just fine right up until Hitler betrayed him.”

    I knew you were serious, I just threw in a little McEnroe for effect, the insane part is the size of the take-away. You have got to admit those are pretty huge take-aways. Not just small policy tweaks here and there.

    That’s like saying well the only difference between clinton and obama was he started single payer healthcare and enslaved the entire white US population…literally, not in the Paultardic Tea-bagger figurative ranting way.

    You may want or pretend that this isn’t a deal breaker but…jeez

    As for Henry, do you think he “invented” it?

    WTF? You’re into space and technology this should be easy to pick-up.

    “Henry Ford did not invent the car; he produced an automobile that was within the economic reach of the average American.”

    See this very important era in our coutry was filled by the very Robber barons that you conservatives have a tendency to be proud of. You know the days before actual patents were enforced..especially over minorities who were the real thinkers.
    Many of your arguments come around full circle, it’s funny that was the only “inventor” you could come up with as being from the right…or should I say Reich, comedy:

    “These men not only believed the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion to be genuine, they also worked to further the goals of the Nazi Regime. Both Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh engaged in activities that supported the Nazi anti-Jew agenda and received awards from the Third Reich.”

    not a 9/11 truthers conspiratorial site:

  36. I knew you were serious, I just threw in a little McEnroe for effect, the insane part is the size of the take-away. You have got to admit those are pretty huge take-aways. Not just small policy tweaks here and there.

    The fact that I take them away doesn’t make Hitler a right winger (any more than taking away Stalin’s or Mao’s monstrous crimes against humanity makes them one). All of those policies I describe in the platform are left-wing, not “right wing.”

    “Henry Ford did not invent the car; he produced an automobile that was within the economic reach of the average American.”

    Who claimed that Henry Ford invented the car? Who are you arguing with?

  37. Charlie,

    I agree whole-heartdly entrepreneurs come in all stripes, if you ask me conservatives have that market cornered apparently. But you’ll agree that inventors are a diferent beast. And I would never be as presumptive as to say that liberals have the market cornered. But follow the MAJOR inventions that built this country and you will see the pattern. How can someone whose whole philosophy is built on conserving their static way of life actually stumble across a significant discovery. Rand is quiet…but Rand knows the overwhelming number of his former co-workers are liberals or Paultardic in thinking.
    Do you think a black man got paid off of inventing the mop, or the traffic light, air conditioning…(and no they weren’t conservative)?

  38. Rand knows the overwhelming number of his former co-workers are liberals or Paultardic in thinking.

    I do? And what is “Paultardic”?

    Most of my former co-workers at Rockwell (though there were exceptions) were Republicans, AFAIK.

  39. “The fact that I take them away doesn’t make Hitler a right winger (any more than taking away Stalin’s or Mao’s monstrous crimes against humanity makes them one). All of those policies I describe in the platform are left-wing, not “right wing.””

    Rand you’re right. But you’re just as wrong to build a premise the way you have too. That’s like saying, ‘if I lost 80 lbs, I could be a supermodel.’ It’s hypothetical masquerading as reality.

  40. If not for those things then I would be right. The fact is that Hilter killed a lot of people and was a raging racist…I’m sorry those are facts…and not left wing traits bottomline. So knowning what we know about him and them, what does that say about you and your reach? In the end you just look like a water carrier for a water carrier. They call him “Instaputz” for a reason Mr. Simberg. And thanks for staying far away from anymore Henry Ford musings…

    now are we clear on the difference between Inventor and Entrepreneurs?

    “There is a left and a right to every form of ideology

    What does that mean?”

    Are you serious…or are you just buying time while you go wiki something clever? lol.


  41. But you’re just as wrong to build a premise the way you have too. That’s like saying, ‘if I lost 80 lbs, I could be a supermodel.’ It’s hypothetical masquerading as reality.

    No, it’s not like that at all. It’s a poor analogy. No one can be eighty pounds over and be a supermodel. But it’s perfectly possible to commit genocide and be a leftist, as history generously shows.

    They call him “Instaputz” for a reason Mr. Simberg.

    They call who “Instaputz” for a reason? Who are “they”? and what would the reason be? Why are your posts so incoherent? Are you just trolling?

    The fact is that Hilter killed a lot of people and was a raging racist…I’m sorry those are facts…and not left wing traits bottomline.

    I didn’t say that killing people and being a raging racist were left-wing traits.

    thanks for staying far away from anymore Henry Ford musings…

    What are you blathering about now?

    now are we clear on the difference between Inventor and Entrepreneurs?

    There was never any confusion on the subject.

    Are you serious…or are you just buying time while you go wiki something clever?

    No, I’m serious. You made a bizarre statement. I asked for an explanation.


    People who ‘lol” at their own fantasied jokes must do so because no one else will.

  42. “They call him “Instaputz” for a reason Mr. Simberg.”

    Are you serious? Do “they” really call him “Instaputz”? Well, not that I know that, I feel so stupid for reading his stuff when clearly your arguments are so intellectually superior that you don’t need to resort to calling people names, like, you know, “Instaputz” or something.

  43. btw I’ll give you John Deere and a few others…

    James G. Cutler mail chute foor tall buildings (obsolete)

    Charles Francis Craver-twelve-foot binder for cutting and binding small grain
    George Eastman-No he didn’t invent photography.

    I love you all

  44. “They” are the ones that…are intellectual and nuanced so that…they can treat all political thought along one…-…dimensional axis. They know that Instaputz is just a idot putz. How simpleton of you… Simberg… if that is your name…

    Anyway. why won’t my…intro writing course professor…pass me? Does he hate…three dots with no…point? What a…Facsist…

  45. Jody it’s common knowledge, and thanks for the sarcasm…I’m sure I asked for it in all my concern trolldom. But please don’t mock intelligence, considering that you’ve conducted your commenting with intelligence as well, I don’t feel obligated to mock your intelligent input. (No snark).

    it’s how I got here. I welcome free-market tendencies to the blog world.

    this is how I found Rand’s site so it can’t be all that bad…right Rand?

    well they didn’t have the most glowing endorsment of you but it still allows people watching to see new opinions. And hell if there are any issues regarding Space and Technology, I will definitely frequent your site and give you hits, it’s bigger than me.

    “What Goldberg Hath Wrought.
    Via Putz, Rand Simberg is a crazy person who says that anger is

    an intrinsic feature of leftism, which is based on a permanent state of envy, class warfare and seeking “social justice” and “equality.” Which is why it is leftists (from Hitler to Stalin to Mao and Pol Pot) who have been responsible for hundreds of millions of violent deaths over the past century. You have to break the eggs to make the social-justice omelette through the collective will.

    Thank you, New York Times, for giving this lovely man a larger platform.”

  46. I think Charlie touches on something very important in his post : that the left/right liberal/conservative dichotomy has devolved into opposing memes that each side hurls at each other. Both the left and right have created misery in their pusuit of ideological purity. Why? Because they overvalue the state at the expense of the individual.

    I love the way Charlie posits a new way of looking at the issue: North vs South . The main way those who wish to use (abuse?) power do so is to divide humans into various groupings (natural and otherwise) to be pitted aganst each other, using envy as the main tool of nursing the hatred necessary to make villians of any opposing school of thought.

    Individualists (classical liberals) never seem to do this, for they truly are the tolerant ones, nuanced if you will , to the varity of human conditions and thought processes that exist in reality.

    Manamongst states that single, lone terrorists are almost always of the ‘right’. I have no way of knowing if this is true or not, but at least they didn’t spread their hate filled actions to the masses, killing millions, the way those who feel the need to ‘change’ the world always seem to do when they take over a country or region, always with the best of intentions of course.

  47. Hey Doubled,

    can you take a look at the two types of terrorists and tell me which one is realistically able to penetrate today’s current USA?

    Besides what do we have to be angry at now?

    I know there are plenty of Tim McVeighs out there waiting. My only serious point is that we don’t need the Glen Beck’s and Bachmann’s or Tom Delay’s blowing dog whistles. And you know what I mean. For some of you this is debate class. For others it is a very likely future. Now you can joke and pretend this teabaggin is just some letting off of steam…which most of it is. But there are people there recruiting. Do I think the government should be there walking amongst them trying to spy. No.

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