The Politics Of Amnesia

Put her under oath:

Maybe, for instance, the speaker doesn’t remember that in September 2002, as ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, she was one of four members of Congress who were briefed by the CIA about the interrogation methods the agency was using on leading detainees. “For more than an hour,” the Washington Post reported in 2007, “the bipartisan group . . . was given a virtual tour of the CIA’s overseas detention sites and the harsh techniques interrogators had devised to try to make their prisoners talk.

“Among the techniques described,” the story continued, “was waterboarding, a practice that years later would be condemned as torture by Democrats and some Republicans on Capitol Hill. But on that day, no objections were raised. Instead, at least two lawmakers in the room asked the CIA to push harder.”

Or maybe the speaker never heard what some of her Democratic colleagues were saying about legal niceties getting in the way of an effective counterterrorism strategy.

“Unfortunately, we are not living in times in which lawyers can say no to an operation just to play it safe,” said Democrat Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence during the 2002 confirmation hearing of Scott Muller to be the CIA’s general counsel. “We need excellent, aggressive lawyers who give sound, accurate legal advice, not lawyers who say no to an otherwise legal opinion just because it is easier to put on the brakes.”

Also, Scooter Pelosi. The thought of this incompetent hack and liar being third in line for the presidency would be more frightening if the imbecilic Joe Biden weren’t number two. How did we end up with such a government?

[Update late morning]

The country’s in the very best of hands.

4 thoughts on “The Politics Of Amnesia”

  1. This reminds me of the Clintons in the 90s. These people, who never tired of reminding us peasants of how smart and capable they were, suddenly had a mass attack of selective memory loss when it came to ‘inconvenient’ testimony. I suspect that we will see a lot more of this sort of thing as a great many Democrats are thrown under the bus by the current administration (and its media enablers) as things get ugly(er)…

  2. I’m probably one of the worst people on Earth who can tell when someone is lying to me. It is one of the reasons I don’t play poker. Even I could look at Pelosi during that presser, where she was trying to explain how she didn’t know nothin’ ’bout no torture, and could spot all the tell tale signs of someone lying their entire ass off. It was disgusting!

  3. Harry Truman once said of Richard Nixon that “when he catches himself telling the truth, he throws in a lie just to stay in practice”…in Pelosi’s case, I rather doubt she needs the practice…

  4. How did we end up with a government of incompetents? A new, younger generation of voters wanted a change from the competence of Bush/Cheney and they got it.

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