4 thoughts on “It’s Official”

  1. Another interesting appointment is Leroy Chiao, who is executive vice president of Excalibur Almaz.

    While I don’t expect Chiao to use the commission to promote his own company, the fact that he was appointed suggests the Administration is at least open to someone who advocates using more Russian hardware. In which case, they might not be open to using more commercial hardware as well.

  2. A commenter in the previous post on the topic of Augustine panel already suggested that Obama will ignore any conclusions that do not support his pre-determined agenda. I consider it a real possibility.

  3. Which would not be unlike many past Commissions and Administrations. But where space and the Obama administration is concerned, it’s not clear to me what the ‘pre-determined agenda’ might *be.*

    So far, it’s had all the appearance (except for the now-disavowed campaign plan of re-directing Constellation funds to education) of being just this side of complete indifference…

  4. As a consummate multi-tasker Obama rules by commission. He gets groups of experts together. The commission’s organizers layout a frame work as to what the purpose is. Everyone sites down and starts to formulate. Then, lo’ and behold Obama shows up out of nowhere with pomp and grandeur. Shakes hands and knowingly grins at key people in the panel. The commission organizers have actually placed everyone in groups of left leaning people in one area and right leaning folks in another so he knows where to look. Then, he will say, “Here are some of my thoughts…” and go down a 3-4 point bullet list of ideas. Then, his handlers snatch him up and quickly whisk him away. No debate, no engaged discussion, just enough for everyone to deeply breathe in some of his awesomeness. This way he plants psychological seeds of what he wants the group to continue to discuss and how to form their ideas.

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