4 thoughts on “The Obama Infatuation”

  1. I dunno, it’s weird, it feels like amateur hour somehow, still. I mean, Obama honestly doesn’t act like he’s President. He acts more like a Ferris Bueller who’s snuck his dad’s Ferrari out of the garage to put it to good (i.e. fun) use. He acts like he’s having a good time — e.g. the goofball “date” with Michelle in NYC, all the stuff J. Random Slacker would do if allowed to be President for a day — and doesn’t really think he’s going to be left in control all that long. There’s an unseriousness about the long-term consequences of what he’s doing, a sort of flippancy, like ha ha that’ll be one interesting mess Mom ‘n’ Dad will have to clean up when they get home.

    Plus, he’s still in campaign mode, still trying to vilify Bush and company, as if somehow GWB and Dick Cheney might (if public opinion didn’t prevent them) step back in and take the controls back. It’s really strange, a weird adolescent mixture of arrogance and insecurity. I’ve never quite seen the like in a new President before.

  2. Carl,

    Remember that Ferris didn’t steal HIS father’s Ferrari, he conned his hapless buddy Cameron to take his (Cameron’s) father’s Ferrari.

    This isn’t simply nitpicking, the difference is both significant and makes an important point. Obama isn’t sacrificing his own wealth, freedoms, etc. He is conning the hapless population into giving up theirs so he can pursue his dreams and have a blast doing it….


  3. +1 to Carl. I said some of the same a ways back. He just wants to run around and play with all the neat new toys and touch and move everything, to, well, just see what happens; and stuff.

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