Pegging The Crapometer

Andrew Klavan applies the probes to the president.

It’s not like it’s anything new. He’s been talking crap ever since he started running for president (if not his entire career). The only difference is that now, when people can compare his promises and rhetoric to his actual actions, they’re starting to really notice:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8 (see trends).

Just 25% believe that the economic stimulus package has helped the economy.

…Overall, 49% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance. Today marks the first time his overall approval rating has ever fallen below 50% among Likely Voters nationwide. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.

I don’t see anything in sight to arrest the trend. He doesn’t seem to realize that people are starting to see through him. The only thing that has been propping him up (as it did during the campaign) is continued fawning from the media.

5 thoughts on “Pegging The Crapometer”

  1. The only thing that has been propping him up (as it did during the campaign) is continued fawning from the media.

    They’ll keep kissing the pile until the maggots start to hatch, and then they’ll suddenly notice the stench.

  2. I like how the media turned a presser about health care into that of Obama vs. the racist police. Too me that just said that even they couldn’t find anything of substance to his health care talking points to stand behind. There was one point where if you look at the transcript you have to wonder if Obama had too much of a nicotine buzz to think straight. I was watching the press conference and I couldn’t help but say out loud, “what the hell are you talking about? At least attempt to string a coherent sentence together man.” That just says that even he can’t wrap his head completely around whatever BS he’s trying to push onto the rest of us.

  3. “… most craptastic crap talk a crap talker ever talked.”

    Yep, pegged that one.

  4. Man, the Dinkinization of the President proceeds apace. Pity. The guy has some decent instincts. It’s a shame he’s in over his head, and that he gave those acidheads in Congress who are running his party — running it straight into the ground — their freedom.

    As I said back in November, I sure wish we could’ve elected Barack head of state, Our First Black President, Oorah! — and then installed a competent adult as head of the government.

    This outcome, predictable as it is, is not good for anyone. Those Blue Dogs are right about one thing: without them, the Democratic Party has no hope, and without a strong and sensible Democratic Party, it’s hard to see how the Republican Party can recover its own senses.

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