“A Monstrous Column”

from Tom Friedman.

More thoughts from Jay Nordlinger:

Yes, the Chinese Communists are very good at “taking things away from people.” Always have been. You might even say that taking things away from people is their specialty. Sometimes it’s their lives — people’s lives. Especially if those people are democrats who speak up for a better life.

Three times, ladies and gentlemen. Three times has Thomas L. Friedman won the Pulitzer Prize. Think about his statement that “I cannot help but feel a tinge of jealousy,” realize the context in which he is making it, and shudder.

In some ways, Tom Friedman is this generation’s Walter Duranty. And the Times has apparently learned nothing from that experience.

[Update a while later]

That didn’t take long. A Fire-Tom-Friedman blog.

7 thoughts on ““A Monstrous Column””

  1. There’s something very narcissistic and pornographic about these statists’ autocratic fantasies. They never imagine themselves in the gulag — they’re always the “pizza boy”, never the cuckold at the office…

  2. “There’s something very narcissistic and pornographic about these statists’ autocratic fantasies. They never imagine themselves in the gulag — they’re always the “pizza boy”, never the cuckold at the office”

    Great comment, Titus. But I’ve always found a strong sadomasochistic streak in “liberals,” probably varying according to their level of self-esteem. Some have way too much and others way too little. (How else would one account for people–many of whom post here–who seem to actually WANT to be serfs of Big Brother?) No doubt many fantasize about holding the whip hand, but there are probably others who fantasize about being at the other end of the whip. Probably they have wet dreams of being flogged by Michelle Obama while she wears a leather Ilse-She-Wolf-of-the-IRS costume.

  3. Writes Fred K: “Got to wonder if he ‘enjoyed’ the Elian Gonzales raid. . . .”

    That conjures up an image of a naked Thomas Friedman sitting in front of his television watching a videotape DEEP INSIDE JANET RENO, and rewinding/replaying the “good parts” –the Elian Gonzalez raid and Waco–over and over again,murmuring, “”Oh, yeah, that’s it, Janet baby . . . get those jackboots in there, that’s right, that’s the stuff. . . yeah, you magnificent dyke, YEAH, YEAH, OH GOD YEAH!”

  4. Don’t you guys get it? China is our last best hope of saving American Capitalism. They certainly have their reasons for doing so, about 2 trillion “reasons” by last count of the amount of US Treasury debt they hold.

    The Communist Chinese are going to be the ones “standing astride history and saying No!” to the worst excesses of what Mr. Obama wants to do. They desparately need a functioning consumer economy in the US, otherwise China is going to have a revolt over unmet expectations of jobs and economic prosperity on their end of things.

    They are authoritarians, yes, but they seem to not believe in the kind of left-wing nonsense coming out of our government these days. US inflate its way to prosperity? Not cool. Global warming means countries across the world need to retire coal plants? Don’t make us laugh.

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