Climaquiddick And The EPA

It’s about to hit:

I cannot think of any instance where the EPA depended so heavily on non-EPA synthesis reports to justify proposed regulatory action in their almost 39 years of existence.

As a result of this EPA decision, the EPA’s fortunes in regard to regulating GHGs are directly tied to the fate of the IPCC reports.

Let the lawsuits begin.

[Late afternoon update]

Here we go. CEI has petitioned the EPA to suspend its CO2 regulations.


3 thoughts on “Climaquiddick And The EPA”

  1. Gee, do you think the IRS will allow me to report “value added” numbers in my tax return this year? After all, they can trust me and they don’t need to see the raw numbers.

  2. The EPA is merely trying to set up the next SUPERFUND.
    Browner is a close friend of the obamas.It is the next giant slush fund that these people want to be able to draw upon so they may live out their lives in high style.

  3. “Gee, do you think the IRS will allow me to report “value added” numbers in my tax return this year? After all, they can trust me and they don’t need to see the raw numbers.”

    Well, actually they do trust you. Some stuff is automatically reported — those 1099’s of various stripes along with W-2 wages. Other stuff is pretty much what you tell them. Someone paid you for a product or service? You, as a law-abiding citizen and taxpayer puts that as an entry on your Schedule C.

    What if you are audited? Well, then break out the shoebox where you keep all your receipts. The law says you are supposed to keep records. If you don’t have records, that is not the end-of-the-world either, the IRS will make up some records for you, based on statistical data of people doing the same kind of thing. What the IRS claims you made and claims you owe, however, could break you financially, but with proper legal representation, that can be subject to “horse trading” to keep you out of “debtor’s prison” (i.e. burdensome IRS liens).

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