They Don’t Like The Answer

A lot of Democrats are commissioning polls, and then not releasing the results. Probably because they’re seeing results like this:

Voters disapprove 55 – 40 percent of the way Obama is handling the economy and disapprove 55 – 40 percent of the way he is handling health care. By a narrow 42 – 39 percent margin voters trust Obama, rather than congressional Republicans to handle health care.

But they disapprove 53 – 39 percent of the federal health care overhaul that he recently signed into law.

So much for the “health-care bounce.” More like a splat.

3 thoughts on “They Don’t Like The Answer”

  1. I see the quote but I can’t seem to wrap my head around it…disapprove 55-40 of the way Obama is handling health care but trust Obama 42-30 over congressional Republicans to handle health care?

    Does this mean the people polled still prefer Obama to lead the US to a better health care plan but that they don’t like the one he just gave us? What, they want something more free right now?

    It has got to suck to be a Congressional Republican. They better come up with a better message and a better messenger. Oh wait, Michael Steele can help! He’s great with messages!

  2. Margin of error? You are comparing something with a minimum value of 40, with something else with a maximum value of 42. Of course no one in their right mind is going to use the results of this poll as meaning that people approve or disapprove of the measure.

  3. Jiminator,
    many card carrying Republicans think Steele as the head honcho is, was and will be forever a bad idea. His spending habits, and “messages” aside, they ultimately have nothing to do with the fact that the RNC is off the mark as a conservative organization.

    I understand that he’s been around the RNC for years. But I think he was tapped simply to show that the Republicans had AA’s near the top. It was a stupid, useless idea.

    Putting emphasis ON race, to prove that your NOT a racist, is foolish, IMHO.

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