Zero Tolerance Insanity

Thoughts on the rampant hoplophobia in today’s society.

The way he talks about how “the event” “exposed” how “a policy” can present “an image counter to the work” of the schools, you certainly wouldn’t think he decided on his own to ban the hat. But regardless of whether he can unilaterally change school policy, let’s suppose he accomplishes the revision he seeks so that students may depict “tools of a profession or service such as the military or police.”

Doesn’t that amount to indoctrinating children to believe that guns are only OK (and should only be allowed) when they are in the hands of the police and the military? Is that not contrary to the purpose of the Second Amendment and the founding of this country? If, as Di Pietro says, it is “the work of our schools to promote patriotism and democracy,” such a bias would do just the opposite.

These people are ignorant fools, and they’re responsible for educating our children.

7 thoughts on “Zero Tolerance Insanity”

  1. Speaking of zero tolerance and gun bans; Prof Reynolds had this post late last night:

    SO HOW’S THAT CHICAGO GUN-CONTROL LAW WORKING OUT? 8 dead among 52 shot across city over weekend.

    If you click the link to the Chicago Suntimes article, you find the number is now 10 dead of 52.

    Apparently indoctrination and gun control doesn’t mean much to people who just want to shoot others. It’s not the guns, the picture of guns, or the lego man with a gun that kills people.

  2. So much easier to legislate and regulate then to TEACH! Kids have been playing with toy guns and Bows and Arrows for hundreds of years – it’s what little boys do. Although there appears to be a real movement to put them in skirts and call them something other than male!

    Guns are a fact of life, even in countries where they are banned from all but military and police. Of course criminals will always have weapons, so who exactly is at greater risk in an unarmed society?

  3. . . . an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”

    Adolf Hitler

  4. A nephew of mine was, during his entire childhood, shielded from, drawings, photographs, movies, and television shows which depicted guns in any form. He was never shown a gun.

    But when he was about 5 he started taking his toast and fashioning it into the shape of a gun.

    We don’t know how or why, but he knew enough to know the shape and the function, and couldn’t wait to somehow bring it into his possession. What’s up with that?

  5. These people are ignorant fools, and they’re responsible for educating our children.

    Yours, maybe. But not mine. (Not that it’s any less of a problem, jus’ sayin’.)

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