12 thoughts on “Adult Versus Baby”

  1. “Adult baby” is the model of leftist policy.

    he threatened to kill himself if he stops getting government money.

    He’s even got the leftist/terrorist ethical reasoning down pat!

  2. “Man, that’ll be like a fire in a tire dump. That sucker will burn for days.”

    Probably useless for marshmallows though.

  3. Why is it when I say the story on instapndit as Tom coburn takes on “Adult Baby”, I though it was another Obama story?

  4. He threatened to kill himself if his government paycheck is cut off. I say he should do it and take his valuable contribution to society with him. Oh wait, he knows he is of no value to society, that’s why he’s getting a check from the government. He’s lucky he isn’t yet facing criminal fraud charges.

  5. Exactly, Ed. Why AREN’T he and his “mother” facing fraud charges? This is why people who really do need the help have to wait years for it.

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