“Bone-Headed Beliefs”

Res ipsa loquitur:

Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.

Not necessarily on the forehead; I’m a reasonable man. Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, ”Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?”

On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy. So how about they are forced to buy property on low-lying islands, the sort of property that will become worthless with a few more centimetres of ocean rise, so they are bankrupted by their own bloody-mindedness?

Yes, that’s much more reasonable.

21 thoughts on ““Bone-Headed Beliefs””

  1. Is there any property at all that would become “worthless” if the sea rose one inch?

    Yeah, I didn’t think there was, either.

    Agreed, however, that his rant tells us far more about his psychology than about How Real And Dangerous Anthropogenic Global Warming is.

  2. “On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy. “

    Ya’ think?

  3. Yeah, when you can’t even formulate the thought without acknowledging that it might be something a movement Nazi would have done, you might want to think about just leaving it unsaid. Talk about auto-godwinizing… Goes hand-in-hand with the gore-flecked fantasies about blasting deniers into a fine pink mist, though.

  4. Actually there should be no need for forcing anyone. Why not establish a corporation that will purchase coastal land with transfer of title to take place Jan. 1 2100? Coastal warmists would sell low, skeptics would invest willingly, and as the climate models lose credibility the corporation”s shares would appreciate. Let me know where I can buy into this.

  5. Oooh, count me in.

    What would be interesting though is what the current coastline property holders would think when someone tries to convince them that their property will become worthless in a few years.

    Better sell now!…./s

  6. OK, I’ll bite. I’ll buy the beachfront property when the warmers are required to buy mountain top retreats. Far away from me.

    I kind of like that deal.

  7. “Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.”

    Go ahead and try it, big boy. See what happens to you when you do.

  8. I guess it is only fair if he wants to give me a Tatoo against my will, I should be allowed to give him a real nice, high-caliber piercing first if he tries it.

  9. He’s so convinced he’s right he entertains thoughts of his own Kristallnacht.

    I would entertain my own thoughts of a succession from people like this. They can have the eastern seaboard and their false utopian gaia visions, we’ll keep the rest.

  10. I sent that putz a personal e-mail in which I offered to meet him anywhere and let him attempt to tattoo me.

    No response. Gosh, what a surprise.

  11. If we tattooed eco-hysterics with their failed predictions, Paul Ehrlich would look like The Illustrated Man.

  12. Can Al Gore get a tattoo as well? Seeing as how he just spent $4 million on a condo in San Fransisco, within walking distance from the bay… obviously if Gore doesn’t believe what Gore says, he must be a denialister too, right?

  13. As I say, minus compulsion the idea of skeptics buying warmist’s coastal real estate is a good market-based plan for this issue. But if this jerk wants to make it compulsory for skeptics, I’d propose to him that it should be compulsory for warmists also. All those greens on the coast should be required to sell their land, delivery in 100 years, for the present value of the property, discounted for 100 years of interest and a factor of 50 percent to cover half the perceived risk of rising oceans. So I could purchase the Kennedy estate for a few thousand ….

  14. This is just a variant of “please think of the children!” Move the discussion into a realm where rational debate is impossible because mere skepticism about the premise, regardless of the evidence, makes you a monster. It’s an old trick that every religious scold and puritan has used throughout the centuries, now we have the environmental puritans and they prove to be no better than the last.

    Perhaps instead of a “Nazi-creepy” tattoo global warming skeptics could merely have a large red letter embroidered onto the front of all of their clothing.

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