Fact Checking The President

The strangest thing about this is the source. Even the WaPo says that he’s full of it on the auto bailout

We take no view on whether the administration’s efforts on behalf of the automobile industry were a good or bad thing; that’s a matter for the editorial pages and eventually the historians. But we are interested in the facts the president cited to make his case.

What we found is one of the most misleading collections of assertions we have seen in a short presidential speech. Virtually every claim by the president regarding the auto industry needs an asterisk, just like the fine print in that too-good-to-be-true car loan.

Of course, if the Times did it, it would mean the End Times.

8 thoughts on “Fact Checking The President”

  1. Interesting that in the President’s thinking, you pay off the latest loan before you pay off the oldest loan, even if they are the same creditor. I didn’t know it worked that way. Well, then again, I guess the first loan had a lower interest than the second. We will all being paying higher interest thanks to this President.

  2. The article barely mentioned that GM went bankrupt. Some of the articles on GM lately have been saying the bailout prevented bankruptcy.

  3. For the Jim’s and Gerrib’s of the world that keep pointing to government data and prediction, they need to click here.

  4. But, but . . . it’s the gold standard, Leland! /snivel

    Well, we all know the government got off the gold standard long ago. What chaps my butt is knowing that if the government had to comply with the same laws as businesses, a good percentage of the government would be in jail. For that matter, a lot of them belong in jail and not just the elected officials.

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