
I just noticed that I have almost thirty followers on Twitter, even though I have only tweeted once since joining a couple years ago. I was feeling a little guilty, so I’ve set up my RSS at the blog to feed it. I may or may not start actually manually tweeting in the future, but at least there’s some content there now.

8 thoughts on “Twit”

  1. I know you feel obligated, but how is it that you actually are obligated?

    OTOH, if you can automated it and it leads to your articles or posts… why not?

  2. I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me what Twitter is for (other than giving movie stars, politicians, and other twits the “opportunity” to say stupid and embarrassing stuff to lots of people, on the record).

  3. Twitter is where people with crazy hair hang out. Watching this guy’s show is kinda fun like listening to Coast to Coast but in each episode this guy’s hair gets crazier and crazier.

  4. Barbara, are you still waiting for someone to tell you what life is for? Or have you decided to make it what you want it to be? That’s what twitter is for.. you follow whoever you find interesting and unfollow whoever you don’t. If you can’t find any value in it, that’s fine, but sitting around waiting for someone to spoon feed it to you will not get you anywhere.. on twitter or in life.

  5. Twitter is for telling the world when you’ve gone on vacation so it can rob your house. Remember to turn on geo-tagging so it knows where you live.

  6. Twitter got me to the last Shuttle landing (@NASAtweetups).

    Twitter has introduced me to a double handful new real-life friends, several of whom I have breakfast with every Monday.

    And I don’t follow Hollywood celebrities, so I don’t have to have their noise inflicted on me.

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