3 thoughts on “Is Your Network Safe?”

  1. Actually, Trent, it can be more than that. People have been arrested and jailed for what some schmuck neighbor downloaded using their unsecured wi-fi.

    Even in my neighborhood, there has been a RSO living just a few houses from me — maybe he’s still there, I haven’t checked lately. He’s welcome to raid my garbage can but I’ll be damned if I let him use my internet connection.

  2. But Trent IF my neighbor FILLS my trash can with HIS trash, then I have less ‘room’ for MY trash.

    (and that’s about as dead on an analogy for most people’s use of the internet as I’ve ever seen or heard)

    I worked, off and on, with an ongoing ‘slow internet’ connection on a wireless network I set up at my brothers house. It was not constant and so it was that much harder to fix. Actually I never did figure it out. My brother got a nasty gram from his provider about too many down loads. (this is a crowd that JUST surfs and reads e-mail)

    Ultimately and because of that letter, I realized that at some point his wireless box had been opened up to the neighborhood and one of the local teens was using his access to download movies / music / ??? that said teens folks must have been blocking.

    The speed problem went away when we set up the log in again.

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