17 thoughts on ““The Last Bastion Of Sanctioned Bigotry””

  1. “Solution: beat the fuck out of anyone who pulls this shit.”

    No, that is probably not the best solution.

  2. It’s not Christophobia. It’s misogyny. HRC, Palin, now Bachmann, and if she primaries Obama, we’ll see it directed at HRC again by those wonderful open-minded “liberals.” Women are to remain submissive to the proper ideology, barefoot and pregnant and in the left-wing kitchen. Or else.

  3. From the urban dictionary:

    An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll who visits blogs and impersonates a conservative for the purpose of either spreading false rumors intended to sow dissension among conservative voters, or who purposely posts inflammatory and offensive comments for the purpose of discrediting the blog in question.

    The term is derived from the name of the liberal musician Moby, who famously suggested in February of 2004 that left-wing activists engage in this type of subterfuge: “For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you’re an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion. Then you go to an anti-immigration Web site chat room and ask, ‘What’s all this about George Bush proposing amnesty for illegal aliens?’”

  4. I wish they asked more religious questions.. and followed their answers up with logical argument. At some point you might actually get them admitting they don’t have sufficient critical thinking to be in a position of power.

  5. The liberals will keep hiding behind it not evil cause the people their bigoted against made a choice. Why the same people try to so hard fight that sexuality is not a choice but a persons natural make up.

  6. Welcome to the last bastion of sanctioned bigotry: ignorant attacks against evangelicals.

    Breaking news from the 1970s.

    I say we retire every single word ending in “phobia.” A perfectly good Greek root word has been morphed into a tool of frothing agitprop, and there’s no way to rehabilitate it.

  7. Moby or not, I’m kinda leaning his way.

    Or at least I would if someone gets in my face much anymore. Personally I think a huge part of the problem, politically to start with in the country, is the ongoing apologizing by Conservatives / Republicans whether they have the power or not.

    It makes EVERYONE who isn’t a liberal look weak.

  8. If I have to choose between voting for a believer in a fantasy ideology that doesn’t affect me much in the short-term (evangelical christianity) and a believer in a fantasy ideology that has a huge and deleterious effect on me and the entire country immediately (redistributive socialism) I’m going to hold my nose and vote for the former every single time.

  9. Titus,

    Actually it was Western statism that was tamed. If an authoritarian state church misbehaves like an authoritarian state secular institution, maybe there’s a common factor there…

    The non-authoritarian state church behaves like The Guardian, and its leader (e.g. the Archbishop of Canterbury) serves as its star pundit. It is an institution with no political power but much cultural influence, a peer among other elite institutions.

    Marxism can’t be tamed, of course – a philosophy rooted in taking people’s stuff by force doesn’t breed very much civility.

  10. Alan, whatever you want to call it, so long as there is neither a whip nor a gun in its hand pointed at me, I am free to ignore it and keep my eye on that which does.

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