16 thoughts on “Ann Barnhardt”

  1. “I thought involving a local mosque was over-the-top”

    yea because to wholey koran is “over-the-top”

  2. Not “over the top.” When you have the enemy in your sights, you fire until he bursts into flames, then follow him down, firing until he hits the water/ground. Then go looking for the next while you change magazines.

  3. Just do me one favor. PLEASE wear body armor. I have some new ammunition that I want to try out, and frankly, close-quarter body shots without armor would feel almost unsporting from my perspective. That and the fact that I’m probably carrying a good 50 I.Q. points on you makes it morally incumbent upon me to spot you a tactical advantage

    Okay, I haven’t paid much attention to her but now I like her. 😀

  4. After one of her blog posts or YouTube videos, she wrote something along the lines of “Hey guys, I appreciate the good wishes and marriage proposals, but just don’t show up at my door unannounced, because I may have to assume that you’re an intruder and respond accordingly, m’kay?”

    I guess I’ll have to be content to worship her from afar. Very far, if I know what’s good for me.

  5. Ann Barnhardt has a Divine calling to wake up the masses, but she should not place herself in unnecessary danger by revealing information regarding her location. YHVH does not want us to tempt Him, by knowingly and willfully placing ourselves in harms way, but rather expects Mat.10:16. Shalom!

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