6 thoughts on “Our Brilliant President”

  1. Hell, I’d be happy if he read something useful, like “Economics for Dummies.”

    It’d be way too much to ask for him to read anything by Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams.

  2. If you guys elect me president, then I’ll have a really awesome reading list! For example, right now I’m carrying Stochastic Differential Equations by Bernt Oksendal. I even cracked the cover a few times.

  3. Bill Clinton always used to carry the most beautiful Bible in and out of church every Sunday (starting after the Lewinsky scandal erupted). I mean, it was in mint condition.

  4. I’d be happy if he would read ANY non-fiction. For a guy who believes he knows everything, you’d think he would know that he should at least pretend to care what great thinkers have written. Of course, in Obama-world, no thinker is greater than he.

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