A Gunwalker

in the White House:

outgoing ATF acting director Ken Melson and others who’ve been the fall guys in this scandal darkly hint that their orders came from the White House, and domestic critics think Gunwalker can only be explained as a White House bid to boost support for gun control. Restrepo’s involvement distinctly raises both possibilities.

What did the president know, and when did he know it?

3 thoughts on “A Gunwalker”

  1. Restrepo is acting like a male Jamie Gorelick. Let’s hope he doesn’t get away with as much as she did (wishful thinking). Of course coming from the home of Lee Fang is a less than ringing endorsement

  2. Any moment now the press is going to be all over this… any moment… any at all… [crickets…]

    With enough corruption, who needs justice?

    Yeah Trent, my confirmational bias says the one is guilty as sin.

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