6 thoughts on “Crushing The Left In The Propaganda War”

  1. not fit for public office

    What? There’s a standard?

    We love someone that engages in battle. Too bad they’re all mostly wimps. This alone puts Herman Cain above the rest.

    All Marxists are intellectual frauds.

    1. As a general rule, when you’re talking about human beings and use the word “all” in a sentence, you’re over-generalizing. There are some rare exceptions, such as “All humans are mammals.”

      If your statement “All Marxists are intellectual frauds” doesn’t qualify as one of the rare exceptions, it sure comes close.

  2. I agree with the author – forget Reagan….remember Lombardi.

    Here in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts, sensible people are aghast that a cluck like Warren could utter such nonsense and yet……..

    …could very well be elected.

  3. Why do I never see anyone bring up TARP in the context of these recent Elizabeth Warren discussions? You’d think that, once she started complaining about hypothetical rich people who got their wealth from the rest of society, it might be interesting to note the existence of actual rich people who took wealth from the rest of society with Warren’s assistance.

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